C128: Breakup In Three Minutes

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Novel  Take My Breath Away  Chapter 128: Breakup In Three Minutes

It hadn't been that long since Portia last saw Debbie. But this wasn't the Debbie she knew. Debbie used to be humble and self-effacing, with low self-esteem. Now she was parading around with her nose in the air, all puffed up with pride as if she were the queen.        

'Dammit Debbie! Your husband's just a secretary. Don't get cocky. It's not like he's Carlos Huo! We'll see who comes out on top!' she thought resentfully.    

On Debbie's way back to the party, two other women stopped her in her tracks. They sized her up and down, and then one of them said curtly, "Someone wants to see you."    

'I wonder who they're talking about, ' thought Debbie.    

"Who?" she asked. Neither of the two women looked even remotely familiar. She'd know if she'd met them before. So it made her even more curious who wanted to talk to her, and why.    

The woman in a black dress snapped, "Don't ask. Just follow us."    

'This is crazy!' Debbie was irritated. It was supposed to be simple, and maybe fun. She went to the party on Carlos' behalf, but ended up coming across all kinds of weird things and hostile women. Mental note: Don't do this again. And now, why did she have to deal with some ridiculous mystery boss? She didn't. She was thinking that maybe now would be a good time to bug out of here. She had made an appearance, presented her gift, and now she just wanted to be left alone.    

"Sorry, I'm busy." She passed them without giving them a second glance. Who were they? And why were they following someone else's orders? And more importantly, why were they trying to get her involved?    

The woman in black shouted to her back, "Hey, you! Miss Mi wants to see you! Get your butt over here now, unless you want that butt kicked out of Y City! Just so you know, Miss Mi is Mr. Huo's woman. I wouldn't turn her down if I were you."    

'Really! We'll just see about that!' Debbie thought.    

The two looked at Debbie gloatingly, anticipating that she would turn around and follow them timidly to see Olga. After all, these two were at her beck and call, so why shouldn't Debbie be the same? She wasn't any better than them.    

Nonetheless, to their disappointment, Debbie only paused for a second and then continued walking away.    

The party was chock-full of things to do. The snacks Carlos ordered for her were delicious. She was stuffed, but when she returned to the party, she couldn't help walking towards the desserts again. She was compelled by the sweet taste of the treats, and her mouth watered in anticipation.    

After getting herself a full plate of food, Debbie found herself a table in the corner, ready to dig in. But before she could take a bite, a familiar figure sat next to her. He looked around and asked cautiously, "Your husband didn't come with you?"    

Debbie took a bite of iced mango pudding and rolled her eyes at him. "Why are you sneaking around like that?"    

Clad in a plaid charcoal suit and wine leather shoes, Jared stared at her, his eyes wide like plates. "You're asking me? Your husband is way too possessive. That guy's gonna kill me sooner or later, just for hanging out with you."    

Giving Debbie no chance to respond, he grabbed her arm and said, "Tomboy, promise me that you'll never cheat on your husband." Debbie almost choked on her food    

"Cuz if you did, I think he'd go after the poor guy's entire family."    

Debbie wrenched her arm free from his grip, swallowed the food in her mouth and spat, "Cut the crap."    

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