C26: Brother

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When Gregory knew that Debbie had applied to the Economics and Management School, he felt thrilled. He couldn't contain his excitement. The thought of going to the same school and being in the same class with her again made his day.        

During their freshmen and sophomore years, they hadn't been in the same class. Luckily, the Gods heard and granted his plea; they became classmates again.    

Suddenly, a memory flashed into his mind. Despite being one of the terrible students, with terrible grades, Debbie remained excellent in his eyes. She may be a bad student, but for him, she was admirable in all other things. Thinking about this, he had always thought that she was too good for him, and he had never been confident enough to strike a conversation with her. He thought he was incapable and lacking in many ways.    

Even then, the same thought lingered in his mind. With this, he decided to keep his admiration to himself until he became successful enough to finally confess. These thoughts played in his mind as he occasionally glanced at her sleeping face.    

Half an hour later, they arrived at East City Villa. The taxi was hailed by the guards at the entrance and Gregory didn't know what to do. They didn't let them through until they saw Debbie who was sleeping in the back seat.    

Frantic, he said, "Debbie, wake up. Which way should we go?" Reaching out to her, he tried to wake her up by shaking her shoulders. "Debbie?" he continued.    

Drunk, Debbie couldn't utter a single word, nor hear anything he just said. After a long while, with not a single response from her, Gregory told the taxi driver to wait. Opening the door and pulling her out of the taxi, he carried her and walked towards the villa she lived in. His eyes continuously wandered, as he was in awe of what he was seeing.    

The night was getting late and the sky became darker. The night complemented the extravagance each villa gave off. It was perfectly clear what kind of people lived in the area, he thought, people who were far different from him.    

Knowing this, he lowered his head to look at Debbie. 'Many people worked so hard in their whole lives but couldn't afford such villas. Yet, she lives here? Who exactly is she?" he wondered.    

Even then, she had been surrounded by rumors in school. However, he had never believed in any of them. Rumors such as Debbie was a mistress, that she was a lesbian, none of these he chose to believe. For him, they were nothing but nonsense. Clouded with these thoughts, he didn't notice that they had already reached their destination.    

As they reached her villa's porch, he tried to carry her near the door. Even before he could reach the doorbell, a limo came into a halt with flashing signals.    

Immediately, a distinguished-looking man in a white shirt got out of the car from the back seat, casting him cold looks.    

'Who is this arrogant man?' he thought, furrowing his brows. 'Does he know Debbie? What is his relationship with her?' More questions popped into Gregory's head.    

Without taking a second glance, the man continued to head towards the villa. Gregory examined him up and down, trying to figure out who he was. The man looked familiar, he thought, but his face didn't ring a bell. His alluring posture gave him a feeling that he was someone he shouldn't associate with.    

On the other hand, the man walked straight towards the villa. As he was about to get in, Gregory called out hastily, "Hello, mister." Puzzled, Carlos turned his head and looked into the young man's eyes, not uttering a single word.    

"Good evening, mister. I know this might sound forwards, but what is your relationship with Debbie?" he asked, gathering all his courage. Thinking that he could be her brother, he asked politely. Little did he know his real relationship with Debbie.    

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