C34: A Fight

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Novel  Take My Breath Away  Chapter 34: A Fight

Just after saying goodbye to Carlos, Debbie grabbed her two friends, who were still caught in a daze, and left the mall as quickly as they could.        

A foreboding darkness took over Carlos' face, as he handed the gift to his secretary and swept his eyes over the crowd before he ordered the general manager, "Call the other senior executives. We need to have a meeting, now    

Carlos gave everyone shivers as he strode past them and proceeded to the conference room of the mall.    

The senior executives on the site palpitated with terror and thought, "A drastic management change will ensue."    

In a beverage shop named No. 99 Milk Tea, three girls were drinking their pudding milk tea in silence. After a big gulp, Kasie decided to speak up.    

"Tell us what was going on between you and Mr. Huo." She winked and flashed a wicked grin at Debbie, who was so nervous that tiny beads of sweat started popping out of her forehead.    

Debbie knew they wouldn't let her go easily if she didn't tell them anything. After a brief consideration, she explained with a pitiful look, "All of this started from that kiss between Mr. Huo and me that night. He felt offended by me and because of that, I've had such a hard time these past few days. Kristina, you heard him the other night. He wanted to bury me alive. As if that weren't bad enough, I accidentally bumped him with my car last night. What lousy luck, eh? Fortunately, he was not injured. Otherwise, I might have been dead by now."    

Fearing that they were going to see through her lies, she lowered her head and slowly sipped her milk tea through a straw.    

'Sorry, Carlos. I lied to them about bumping you with my car. I had no other choice. If I told them the truth, they would react in the same way as Jared did and send me to a mental hospital.'    

Debbie sensed that the two girls were not fully convinced, so she continued, "Alas! I kissed him at the bar first. Then I offended him in Shining International Plaza. Last night, I almost ran him over with my car. I had to apologize to him for the sake of my own safety. And do you think a verbal apology would suffice? Come on! He's the richest man in Y City!"    

Still, the two girls looked unconvinced. "I don't think the sapphire collar pin would work either. He is a man of wealth. I don't think he would like the gift," Kristina retorted. Initially, Kristina thought that the collar pin, which cost nearly $200, 000, would make a great gift as it was expensive and extravagant. However, on second thought, when she remembered that Carlos was the richest bachelor in Y City, she realized that it wasn't going to satisfy his taste.     this content of novelfullbook.com, if you reading this content please go to website novelfullbook.com to continue reading, fastest update hourly

"Of course, it's not going to work. I was afraid that he would reject the gift, so I ran away from the mall as fast as I could." Debbie wiped the sweat off her forehead. Why was it so hard to tell a lie?    

Why couldn't they believe that Carlos was her husband?    

Kasie smoothed her hair and teased, "Tomboy, I believe what you're saying is the truth. I don't think a rich bachelor like Mr. Huo will fall for a tomboy like you. Look at you, you don't even have big boobs or a juicy butt."    

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Debbie slammed her palm on the desk and argued, "Hey, watch your tongue. I have a perfectly good figure." The topic had been successfully changed, but Debbie still had a lingering fear at the back of her mind that she couldn't shake off.    

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