C96: How Could You

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Novel  Take My Breath Away  Chapter 96: How Could You

"I can't! I want to buy something with the money I earned on my own. There's no point in buying it with the money you or Carlos gave me," Debbie snapped back.        

Sitting on the curb of the empty road, Jared raised his head to look at the dark sky and asked, "Where are you going anyway? It's late. And freezing. You're not going home?"    

"No, I'm not. I... I'll spend the night in a hotel."    

She really hated to watch Carlos and Megan show off their affection in front of her. She wasn't going to go home and be humiliated that way. And the dorm gates were probably closed by now. A hotel was her only option.    

At midnight, Carlos got a text message that Debbie's credit card had been just used to secure a hotel room.    

'I thought she was in Kasie's house!' he mused. Instantly, he called the hotel manager and asked whether Debbie was alone.    

The manager answered honestly, "There are two of them."    

After some pause, he added, "A girl and a boy."    

Carlos was fuming with rage. So this was how she repaid him after everything he'd done for her!    

He wasted no time rushing all the way there, pausing for nothing. Breathlessly, he tore into the hotel lobby. His livid face stopped the manager from saying anything. Holding breath, the scared man carefully led him straight to Debbie's room. He inserted the universal key card and opened the door.    

As he peered inside, the manager was stunned at the sight.    

It was the cheapest single-bed room in this four-star hotel. Debbie was sound asleep in the bed, while a big guy was curling up, snoring on the sofa. The sofa was so small that his legs hung over the sides.    

Carlos kicked him in the leg. Jared woke up instantly. He was having a nice dream and this guy just ruined it. He threw back the quilt and jumped off the sofa, still fully clothed. Annoyed, he shouted, "Fuck! Who the hell— Car— Mr. Huo."    

Upon hearing Jared's sharp, angry shouts, Debbie opened her eyes and blinked. She was still sleepy. 'Why is Carlos here?    

I'm in the hotel, not the villa! I must be dreaming.'    

She closed her eyes again, trying to drift off. Carlos wasn't interested in letting her do this. He walked up to the bedside and demanded in a cold tone, "Get up!"    

'What?! I'm not dreaming. He IS here!'    

Debbie covered her head with the quilt and murmured, "Wrong person."    

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Her voice was so hoarse Carlos frowned. Was she ill?    

He picked up Debbie and the quilt and walked towards the door.    

Jared tried to run off, but the manager blocked his way. He wouldn't let this young man go without Carlos' say-so.    

Staring at the boy who was trembling with fear, Carlos scolded, "Jared Han, how could you?!" 'How could you sleep in a hotel room with my wife?' This was what Carlos wanted to say.    

'Did he think I was sleeping with his wife?' Jared thought to himself and believed that he needed to explain it. "It's freezing outside, so I stayed here. You saw it; I was nowhere near your wife!"    

Carlos strode toward him, and Jared lost his nerve. He quickly cried, "I was wrong. I should've left. Mr. Huo, please forgive me."     this content of novelfullbook.com, if you reading this content please go to website novelfullbook.com to continue reading, fastest update hourly

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