C145: If A Bear Mauled Me To Death

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Novel  Take My Breath Away  Chapter 145: If A Bear Mauled Me To Death

"I heard it from the village head!" Jared replied. He had gone to the village head's house in an attempt to get an electric warming fan or at least, an electric blanket. Much to his disappointment, he hadn't gotten anything. Perhaps, the only thing to help him keep warm now would be wine, which thankfully, their hosts had supplied in plenty. So he joined the village head for a drink with the accompaniment of some hearty talks. But the elder was no heavy drinker. Only a few glasses down and he dropped the guard, turning into a blabbermouth.        

In between his juicy tales, he let slip to Jared that someone had requested the villagers to give special care to Debbie. Although he didn't know who that person was, he remembered someone mentioned about a name "Mr. Huo".    

From the village head's words, Jared could put two and two together. The surname Huo was a rare name, and even across the city, there was only one "Mr. Huo" whose influence could reach a remote village like the Southon Village.    

Touched by Carlos' gesture, Debbie flashed a sweet smile. But she didn't want to admit the happiness exploding in her heart. Instead she faked a retort to Jared. "No, I don't think the village head was telling the truth."    

"Oh, really? But I can see you smiling from ear to ear. Why don't you just admit that you're on cloud nine now?" Jared teased.    

Debbie turned around and glared at him. "Just go and do night running. It will help you keep warm!"    

'Do night running? No way! I would rather stay under the quilt, though I have to tolerate Dixon, ' he thought.    

In Y City, by the time Carlos came back, Debbie had already been away for about three days. She had left without giving him a phone call, not even sending him a message.    

Sulking silently, he took out his phone and called Curtis. "Have they arrived there?"    

"Yes, they arrived safely, although my brother lamented the living conditions. Seems a little seedy over there," said Curtis on the other end of the phone. 'His brother? Gus Lu?'    

Closing his eyes tight, Carlos said in a stern tone, "It serves her right. She made her own bed." 'She didn't even ask for my opinion before deciding. I didn't know it until the name-list was submitted to the school, ' he thought to himself.    

"Rest assured. I've done as per your instructions and asked the people there to take good care of her. I've also sent Gus there to protect her. I know you feel bad, but it's only a few more days and she'll be back." Curtis understood what was going on in Carlos' mind.    

Carlos wasn't convinced that Gus could be of any help. "Do you think I can bank on your unreliable brother for anything meaningful?" he asked. If he hadn't known that Gus had shown no interest in women in the past 22 years and had been suspected to be gay, he wouldn't have agreed Curtis to send Gus there to help Debbie.    

The sharp manner of Carlos' question left Curtis doubtful. He paused for a moment and then replied, "Well, anyway, he's a man. Somehow, I believe, he can protect the girl should the need arise. Besides, Jared and Dixon went along with Debbie. So just rest assured."    

'Rest assured?' There was no reason for Carlos to be distressed that she might suffer some harm. If anything, he was pretty sure she'd be just fine. But how would she cope with the other inconveniences of the trip?    

It was not until she set out for the Southon Village that he learned about the dismal living conditions there. It seemed like a village abandoned by the government, with virtually no basic infrastructure.    

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