C175: A Young And Beautiful Businesswoman

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Novel  Take My Breath Away  Chapter 175: A Young And Beautiful Businesswoman

After Hayden, several key guests made their speeches as well, including Olga. It was not until then that Debbie knew Olga was the general manager of her family business despite her young age. Besides, her short resume as presented read like someone who was already carving out a name for herself in business.        

As Debbie followed the proceedings, her heart beat faster, her mind pondering on what she was going to say on the podium. Before long, it was her turn. "The last person I'm going to introduce is Miss Debbie Nian, the legal representative and largest shareholder of Orchid Private Club, legal representative of Angel's Love Foundation, and the CEO of Decar Cosmetics. Let's welcome Miss Debbie Nian."    

To calm her nerves down, Debbie took a deep breath and let go of Sasha's hand, who had been encouraging her all this time. With confidence, she then strode on the red carpet, ignoring all the heads turning around her and hushed whispers across the auditorium.    

"She looks so young. How old is she? For her tender age, the titles are a little too many. Must be through some powerful influence, somewhere."    

"I thought the legal representative and the largest shareholder of Orchid Private Club was Brooks Huo. Since when did this little known girl take them over?"    

"I've never heard of her before. What's her real background?"    

"I guess she must be some powerful man's mistress."    

"Stop your speculations! She's related to Mr. Huo," said a man in a raspy, deep voice. He had had dinner with Carlos and Debbie before, and he knew she was Mrs. Huo. Through it all, Debbie remained calm. Although she correctly guessed what people were saying in hushed tones, she reminded herself to focus on the task at hand and not be carried away by sideshows.    

Gracefully, she made her way to the podium, keeping as calm as possible. She must pay attention to her demeanor; after all, she represented Carlos.    

Once she got the microphone from the host, she took a deep breath and began her speech with a deliberately slow, emphatic speed of delivery. The audience fell silent, eager to know what she would bring to the table. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Debbie Nian. I deem it a great honor for me to come here and be part of this auspicious occasion. First and foremost, I must acknowledge that I'm relatively new in the industry, and as such, I would appreciate your guidance. . ."    

In all, her words were modest and sincere. Most importantly, she was a pretty lady with brains. The party began to warm up.    

A CEO of some company joked, "Miss Nian, you are such a young and beautiful businesswoman. In all honesty, you'll have the world at your feet. We are willing to guide you in any aspect in the future. Miss Nian, I hope you may give me a VIP card for Orchid Private Club."    

Most people took his words for a light moment. With a sweet smile, Debbie replied playfully, "Everyone here is a big shot in Y City. My humble club will be honored by your presence. I promise that you'll all get a VIP card for the club."    

Debbie was now completely relaxed. The man's touch of humor had just come at the right time. The audience seemed much at home now.    

"Although she's young, she's already a CEO. My daughter is several years older, but she still has no job.    

When I get home tonight, I'll sit her down and talk sense into her head. She must go out and find a job now!" another man said.    

"Despite her age, Miss Nian's no doubt on a meteoric rise." People wouldn't stop complimenting Debbie.    

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