Chapter 11: ace

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Ace PoV
While we were getting ready for bed I saw scars on izukus body. I have a few scars, from before I got my quirk. I was left at an orphanage by my parents so I never met them. Since then I've been in several foster homes although most of them were just in it for the pay check. When I got my quirk things changed. The family's started treating me better. Although I could tell that they didn't want to, it was like they were being controlled. I didn't mind tho, it meant I was treated better.

Ace: "hey izuku, where did you get all those scars?" Sunny looks over at us I see his eyes widen when he sees izukus scars.

Izuku: "from my parents, often when mom would come home drunk she would get mad at me and Tenko so she would beat us. Or my dad would train us but is we didn't do something right he would also punish us, one of his punishments involved hitting us until we bled. Tenko would try and stop them from hurting me but that just always meant both of us would get hurt."

Sunny: " Jesus izuku, why didn't you or Tenko tell anyone?"

Izuku: "we were scared, our parents were good at lying, they always put on a perfect family act for the public. We knew people would believe our parents over us. I don't want to talk about it anymore. But is Tenko okay?" Izuku looks at sunny almost desperate for an answer.

Sunny: "your father took him. He looked empty when we last saw him but he will get better, eventually"

Izuku: "I think that's all I want to know for now good night." Izuku climbs into the top bunch that's next to ace me and the twins all sleep on the bottom bunks.


Coy: "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS" he comes in the room yelling and banging pots and pans together.

Izuku gets scared and falls out of his Buick bed. He hits his head as he falls and starts to bleed on the floor.

Elijah: "IZUKU NOOOOO" he shoots out of bed and starts cradling izuku while crying, whose now healed himself and looks at Elijah very confused. He escapes from his arms and starts to get ready, sunny follows him.

Isaiah: "I thought you said you didn't have a favourite?" Isaiah starts grinning when he says that and I start to climb down and cautiously walk around the newly formed pond. Isaiah follows as coy try's to get Elijah to stop crying.

We all go out to a field to eat. This is the beginning of our 10 hour days full of training not including eating. First we have 5 hours of basic training which includes an obstacle course, and some basic exercises and drills. Then we have a quick break and eat lunch. After that we have 1 hour of hand to hand combat, then 1 hour of target practice, after that we have 3 hours of school, the first 2 hours are maths and English then we can do some other lessons but nothing to do with art, music or DT subjects. Those are for the last hour before we eat, it's not training just an hour that we can have to ourselves. We can do hobbies during that time. I've been learning to play guitar, izuku joined me for a bit and also did some drawing which he's really good at. Sunny does cooking most of the time but I think he will try to play drums at some point. Isaiah does engineering and makes lots of cool gadgets, he also came and joined us one time to play bass. At this point we can form our own band. Elijah just works out tho, he said he enjoys working out because it makes him feel powerful, he works out with coy. I don't think he wants to play an instrument tho.

I enjoy it here. I also get to spend more time with my best friends. Me and izuku get to hang out everyday. Oh and today we got body cams and proper uniforms. We're going to make small videos on them so we will do a yearly check in on them where we just stand in front of a reflective surface to state our: age, code names, unit, number of people, how many years we served, and if we are on a mission we must state the name of it and any set backs we've encountered. These cameras have a different password on each one but they all connect so we can see eachovers videos. When we are all older we said we're going to join UA me and izuku will become hero's together and show the whole world that we are unstoppable. Although katsuki always said that he would become hero's with izuku but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. Right?

Anyway I'm excited for what the future holds.

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