||Stargazing||Chapter 5||

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I grabbed a couple blankets and went down the stairs with Angel to the backyard, we laughed as we ran down the stairs together, almost tripping along the way. We made it to the backyard and I started setting up the blankets, he looked up and spun around a bit

"Woah.." He said, seeming to be mesmerized by the stars, I giggled. I grabbed his hand and led him into the grass of the backyard, giggling more.

I spun around in the grass, looking up at the spinning stars as I did, I laughed. He started spinning too, we were both looking up at the stars, I got dizzy and fell down in a fit of laughter, he fell next to me and we just looked up in comfortable silence for a while. I turned onto my side and looked at him, he did the same as we chuckled. I got up and pulled him up by an arm, I dragged him over to the blankets I set up and we sat down next to each other, comfortable and warm. I pointed out different constellations as I saw them and we watched as the stars seemed to twinkle. We just sat there, unbothered by anything the world could throw at us, as if protected by a forcefield 

I started to get a little tired as I sat there, until I saw him getting up again, I got up with him and, without saying anything, grabbed my hand and led me back into the grass. He lifted my hand and spun me around slowly and carefully, as if I were a thin piece of glass he was handling. We laughed quietly and started dancing to the soft music we had put on, I closed my eyes and let the tune lead me, we danced through a couple songs. Being so in sync, like two pendulum clocks hanging from the same beam. At the end of the 3rd song, he spun me one more time and I saw how close we were when I opened my eyes, I was breathing heavy from dancing. I looked at him for a second, blushing hard. Until he wrapped all of his arms around me and hugged me tight, I hugged him tightly back and we just stood there for a second, in comfortable silence. I felt a tear prick at my eye, and fall slowly down my cheek, I smiled,  these were happy tears. He pulled away when he heard me.

"Are you okay?" he asked in the softest voice, I sighed happily and looked at him with a soft smile. "Yeah, much more even" I said quietly, he smiled and hugged me again quickly before stepping back and grabbing a dandelion. He walked back over, standing closely next to me.

"Make a wish, N/N" He said, almost in a whisper

I smiled and closed my eyes, thinking about my wish, then I looked at him and nodded. He gently grabbed my hand and put it in position to grab the dandelion, and we both blew it out, as we watched the pieces float away, riding on the wind. I couldn't help but wonder..

What did he wish for? 

Angel's POV:

As the last pieces of the dandelion flew away, I couldn't help but ask myself

What did she wish for?

I stared off into the stars, seeing the constellations Y/N pointed out to me, I thought they were absolutely beautiful. I knew what constellations were, but not which one was which and how to see them. So I thought it was amazing that Y/N knew so much about it. I thought Y/N was amazing in general.. I smiled at that, I didn't notice that she wasn't next to me anymore. I looked around and saw her behind a tree. I walked up to her and heard her quiet giggles, I chuckled. I looked behind the tree.

"Boo!" She popped out and almost tripped, making us both laugh.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me so bad" I said dramatically, putting a hand on my forehead 

She giggled, and said in the same dramatic tone "Oh no! Do you need a therapist to vent your problems?" 

I chuckled, ruffling her hair and walking back over to the blankets as I was getting pretty tired, I sat down and flipped a blanket over my legs, looking back up at the stars. Before long, Y/N sat down next to me and looked up as well.

We sat there, in comfortable silence as the crickets chirped and the owls sang, going along with our own, soft, quiet, music. My body relaxed, as I let out a sigh of comfort. I saw Y/N slowly lean her head over, putting it on my shoulder, I draped my arm loosely around her shoulder as I lean my head against hers. She speaks up in a tired voice, saying "We should go back upstairs, I ain't sleeping with the bugs" I nodded and stood up slowly, helping her up

We picked up the blankets and walked through the door, and up the stairs, before getting back to her room where we placed the blankets we brought back on the bed. I took my usual spot on the floor as she flopped onto the bed and quietly said to me "Goodnight, Angie" I smiled wide at the nickname I had gotten, I whispered back "Goodnight, N/N" I leaned against the pillow placed against the wall, looking at her chest rise and fall as she dozed off calmly, I followed soon after, leaning my head back and fluttering my eyes shut, my breathing and heart beat started to slow, and I was swept into the comfort of sleep, thinking of how close I am to Y/N after this day we had, I was happy..


Hello my lovelys! Little bit of a longer chapter today to make up for yesterday, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Luckily, I did really well on that test, so woohoo! Anyway! Next chapter will be posted tomorrow so be ready! Love yall!



"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now