||Everything||Chapter 20||

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Narrator's POV:

A couple days later, Angel and Y/N were laying in bed  late in the morning, in fact almost afternoon... When Alastor, Husk, Charlie, and Vaggie barged in

"Y/N! Angel! We've decided that we're having a dance tonight! Me and Vaggie are gonna help Y/N get ready, and Alastor and Husk will help Angel! Come on! Come on!" Charlie said, dragging Y/N out of her room and up to Vaggie and Charlie's.

Angel and Y/N were a bit confused and dazed for a second, but they eventually settled in there separate rooms the others brought them to.

Up in Vaggie and Charlie's room, Y/N was sat in a chair in front of a mirror and Vaggie and Charlie stood behind her as they discussed what she should wear.

"Silver? No, no, too light.." Charlie muttered to herself as she slightly paced

"What about this reddish-grey one, hun?" Vaggie said, pulling out a stunning reddish-grey cocktail dress with a few glitters here and there, it looked like it would fit Y/N perfectly.

"Yes! Yes, yes yes!" Charlie said, practically skipping over and grabbing the dress from Vaggie, laying it on their bed before walking back over behind Y/N.

"Okay.. now for makeup" Charlie said, looking at Y/N in the mirror


"Don't worry, my good fellow, we'll have you looking proper dapper by the time the dance comes!" Alastor said,  standing in front of Angel as he sat on his bed, Angel tilted his head.

"Smiles, we both know that 'proper dapper' ain't really my style" Angel said with a chuckle.

"I am aware, my good man, however it is my job to make sure you look your absolute best for tonight." Alastor stepped away a bit, snapping his fingers and making a pink, tight-fitting suit and dress pants appear beside Angel on the bed

(I imagine it to be like this)

(I imagine it to be like this)

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Angel marveled at the outfit

"I figured that this would more fit your style" Alastor said as Angel picked up the clothing to get a good look

"Thanks Smiles! This looks really nice!" Angel said happily

"I helped 'im pick it" Husk said, taking a sip from the bottle he was holding

Angel chuckled at the comment and walked to his closet to go get the outfit on

_____-Back up in Charlie and Vaggie's room-_____

Y/N's makeup had been done to compliment her face and skin color, and they were all very happy about it.

"Now, come on! Put on the dress!" Charlie said, shoving the dress into Y/N's arms and pushing her into the bathroom to get changed.

"Woah!" Y/N exclaimed as she steadied herself in the bathroom, Charlie shut the door and Y/N looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.

She liked how she looked so far, but it was time now to see how the dress looked on her.

She took off her pajamas and gently stepped into the dress, slipping her arms through it and adjusting it so it looked good and it was comfortable.

She looked at her reflection once more and smiled, she looked amazing.

Y/N turned towards the door, twisting the knob and pushing it open gently, finding Vaggie and Charlie in front of the door, seemingly waiting for her to come out.

Y/N stood in front of the girls, as they both stared at her.

"You. Look. Absolutely AMAZING!! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!!" Charlie squealed, practically jumping up and down as she led Y/N back to the chair, grabbing a hair brush

"Hair time!!" Charlie said with a huge smile.

_____-Back in Angel's room-_____

"Almost ready.." Angel said, sticking his tongue out slightly as he fixed up his hair.

Angel basically got himself ready, Alastor giving a few tips here and there. Husk helped him out with his nerves, reassuring him that he looked fine.

After he was done with his hair, Angel stepped back to get a better view of himself in the mirror.

He smiled seeing himself, he felt very confident with how he looked right now.

He stepped out of the bathroom and  looked at Alastor and Husker "Whadaya think?" He asked, posing.

Husk chuckled and Alastor rolled his eyes slightly at the dramatic pose

"You look good, Angel" Husk said, flashing a quick smile at Angel and taking a drink from his bottle.

"Thanks, Husk" Angel said, getting out of his pose and smiling back at Husk.

"Now, now, come along, it has come time for this event to begin" Alastor said, walking out of the room as Angel followed behind him with Husk.

They made it to the main space of the hotel, where Nifty had decorated everything for the dance.

Angel, Alastor, and Husk stood there, chatting amongst themselves for about 5 minutes until Y/N emerged from the hallway, standing at the top of the stairs with Vaggie and Charlie behind her.

She walked down the stairs and towards Angel, once she made it in front of him, he spoke

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Il mio futuro"

"Thank you, my love" Y/N said, smiling up at him

Angel cleared his throat and held out one of his hands, "May I have this dance?" He said with a toothy smile as the music began to play.

"Of course" Y/N said, taking his hand as they both closed their eyes, letting the music lead them.

Y/N rested her head on Angel's chest as they danced, and they both thought all the way through the past and all of their memories together.

They smiled happily, being close to each other like this just made them both feel so.. complete.

Charlie and Vaggie danced on the floor with them, while Alastor and Husk watched them all.

Angel spoke up near the middle of the song "I'm going to marry you one day" he whispered to Y/N, who's smile just grew.

"Not sure how weddings work in hell, but I'll find out for you" She giggled, still dancing in sync with her love.

"We'll find out together, and we will be happy."

"I love everything about you, Angie" Y/N said, stepping back as Angel raised his hand to twirl her.

Angel cocked a brow at Y/N before dipping her, smiling "Everything?" he asked.

"Everything." Y/N responded confidently 

Angel helped her back onto her feet, going back into their original position and Y/N spoke again

"I feel so safe with you... I feel.."

"Loved" Y/N and Angel said at the same time, getting a giggle out of both of them as they danced happily, finally... together


"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now