||Peace||Chapter 7||

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up the next morning a bit tired, I stretched a bit and realized that Angel was.. cuddling me..? I didn't complain, but I was confused

I blushed and smiled a bit, I reached to grab my phone and started scrolling through some videos, laughing at some funny ones, until Angel woke up and smiled at me before realizing what he was doing and scrambled out of my bed. I just giggled at him, he chuckled

"Morning, N/N" He said, stretching

"Morning, Angie!" I said, finally getting out of bed and looking for a simple outfit to wear

"What are we doing today?" He said, tilting his head

"Mostly nothing, I just wanted to go outside for a bit, and maybe climb some trees! Stop by the creek, ya know, all that peaceful stuff" I said with a smile, picking out a cute but comfortable outfit

"Oo! Sounds fun" He said, sitting down on the bed as I walked to the bathroom  to change

After I was done, I did my hair and smiled at myself in the mirror, Angel peeked his head through the door

"Can we go now?" He asked

"Mhm!" I said, running down the stairs and slipping my shoes on before running out of the front door

"Woah! Slow down there!" Angel said chuckling

"Never" I said, running onto the sidewalk "I want to stop by the park first, the tall grass next, the creek after that, and then the place with all the trees afterwards, going back to the creek for sunset" I said, listing everything off on my fingers, Angel looked at me, his expression was both shocked and confused at the same time

"Damn, I don't remember anything of what you just said but sounds fun anyway"

I just laughed at his comment as I started walking down the sidewalk "The park is at the end of the street, so not far, the park leads off into the tall grass and it's a bit of a risky course to the creek from there, we'll make it" I said, basically skipping down the sidewalk

"Okay, you planned all of this?" He said, tilting his head

"Well yeah, while you were asleep" I shrugged my shoulders as we started to come closer to the end of the street

He chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully

We reached the end of the street and crossed the road, coming up on the park, it was small and old, but I found ways to make it fun

I went onto the swings, standing up on it, then swinging happily 

"Woah! Be careful N/N!" Angel said, standing beside me

"I've been doing this basically my whole life, I'll be fine" I said, jumping off and landing on my knees, I stood up and brushed myself off before grabbing Angel's hand and running to the hill beside the park, we ran up the hill and I laid down at the top, folding my arms on my chest. I rolled down the hill, giggling and laughing

"Your turn Angie!" I said

He rolled down the hill, laughing hard, we both stood up and ran to the long grass which was just past the park, we ran in every direction, feeling the grass on our hands and skin and just having fun

While we was running the opposite direction, I crouched down and hid, he started looking around once he realized I was gone

"N/N? Where did you go? N/N where are you?" He said, I giggled in the grass and apparently he heard me because I saw him smirk, I whispered "Oh shit" He looked straight at where I was and bent down to my level, being a little close to me

"Found ya N/N" I blushed a little and stood up, smiling 

"Let's go to the creek noww!" I said, grabbing his hand and running towards the muddy grass hill that was by the creek, I let go of his hand and grabbed onto the fence to steady myself "You ready?" I looked at Angel, he nodded and I put both my hands on the fence and started carefully walking through the muddy grass towards the creek, Angel following behind me, I slipped and almost fell but Angel caught me

"Thanks" I said, hiding my face slightly

"Your welcome, toots" He said, winking, making me giggle as I stood up, continuing to walk

We made it to the creek and I jumped across the rocks in front of the water before sitting down on a stone that was big enough, looking at the grasshoppers and dragonflies fly through all the plants, Angel sat down next to me, I smiled

We sat there for about an hour, mostly silent as I listened to the tweets of birds, and the sound of soft wind blowing, I decided to stand up and walk around the water to the other side, jumping onto the small piece of land in the middle of the creek, water splashing a bit, Angel watched me as I messed around, dragonflies flying around me and me giggling

We decided to move on to the tree lined sidewalk, I ran there, not being able to wait to climb the trees, I got to a pretty good sized tree and jumped onto it, climbing onto the branches and sitting there, Angel standing underneath, making sure I was safe

Time skip because I'm tired

I had climbed all of the trees and we were headed back to the creek to watch the sun set, as we sat on the stones we did before, I smiled, the sky turned a pretty pink color and the crickets started to sing, I watched the sunset, stretching from all the activity I'd done today, Angel brought me closer, I blushed but leaned my head slowly onto his shoulder, relaxing as the sun glowed on the horizon

I was calm


Wooo! Finally got a chapter out, I'm so sorry that I haven't gotten a chapter out in a couple days, I've had no ideas and I've been tired lately, anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

There may be some drama coming up next though..


Anywhoo love yall!



"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now