||Hints||Chapter 10||

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up, tangled in Angel's arms. I smile as I wake him up.

"Angie..Angell" I say in a softer tone as his eyes slowly flutter open 

"Whatt" he says, matching my tone in his sleepy voice

"We're a bit.. tangled" I say with a small chuckle

"Mmmm.." He whines as he, half reluctantly, lets me go and I sit up, stretching and yawning.

"Come on, Angie, let's get breakfast" I say, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and slowly standing up, running a hand through my messy hair.

"But I don't wanna get up yet N/N" He whines again as I roll my eyes, walking over and bending down slightly to him as he was laying down 

"Too bad, sleepyhead, cmon, get up" I say, tugging one of his arms to have him sit up

"Ughh..fine" he says, rubbing his eyes and standing up sleepily, some of his hair sticking out in some places, I bit my tongue as to not laugh at his, weirdly cute, messy hair.

After I saw that he was awake enough, I started walking out the bedroom door, gently taking his hand as we walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

He sat down at the table, fully waking up now as I cooked us breakfast (any breakfast of your choice is fine!) I smiled at him and he smirked and winked back as he sat there

I flushed and looked back to the food, I told myself "Don't feel special, Y/N, he does that to everyone"

I sighed, he won't ever love me like I do him...

God damnit why does the inevitable truth hurt so bad.. (Wow that one got a lil kick to it)

Angel's POV:

I watched Y/N make us breakfast, I admired her, everything about her was just so beautiful to me and I cherished her and her presence so dearly..

Does she feel the same way I do? It's so hard to tell..

I decided to start dropping some hints. I got up out of my chair and walked over behind her.

I put my bottom pair of hands on her shoulders and bent down so my chin was resting on her shoulder, I said in a slightly hushed voice 

"Watcha makin'?" 

She smiled slightly, I could've swore she was blushing but I couldn't really tell.

"F/F(Favorite food)" She said, a slight quiver in her voice.

I chuckled "Oo, Nice" I said in the same hushed voice before standing back up straight and walking back over to the table, smirking to myself.

Y/N's POV:

My mind was racing basically the whole day after breakfast, why did he do that? What did it mean?

I kept telling myself "Don't be feeling special, don't you dare think you're special, he does that to literally everyone"  but half of me wanted to stay hopeful...

That half of me made me decide to start dropping hints.

So, while we were hanging out in the backyard, I got really close to him as we sat on the grass, playing with his hair slightly. He looked at me and smirked, turning back to the sky, the sun was starting to set just a bit, it was about 6:30pm. (It's like mid to late July in the story rn btw-)

I said "Why don't we go to the creek?" he thought for a second before answering 

"Yeah! Why not" He got up, holding out a hand to me, I took it and we walked inside, grabbing a couple small snacks.

After playfully arguing about what to bring, we finally got out the front door and began to walk down the sidewalk, breathing in the summer air.

I started to think "Should I just go for it?"  I kept thinking about it, before deciding I wouldn't, not yet. I didn't want to ruin one of the few good things I had..

Angel's POV:

I thought to myself "What if I just go for it?"  as we walked to the creek, after thinking over it.. I decided that I would when I was more...ready for it. 

Y/N spoke after a few minutes of comfortable silence "Would you ever want to go back to hell?"

I smiled slightly, and thought about it for a moment, I did miss the people back at the hotel, hell I even missed Vaggie a bit.. I gave her an answer nonetheless 

"First of all, to someone who wasn't a demon, that would sound like the dumbest fucking question" I said, we both burst into laughter.

After a few seconds, we sighed and calmed down

"Second, to answer the question, yeah, I miss my friends at the hotel." I said, sighing and looking down

"But it's conflicting, because I don't wanna leave you, I've had so much fun and I'm honestly the happiest I've ever been here with you" I said, lifting my head back up and looking at her.

She smiled softly "Damn, that's tough.." 

I smiled back at her "Eh, I'll be alright, considering we don't even know how to get me back to hell"

She chuckled as we finally approached the creek, we carefully walked down the hill.

We placed our snacks carefully on nearby rocks to the ones we were sitting on as the sun set in front of us.

We sat there as it got completely dark, talking about how dumb Valentino is (I am a proud Val hater, deal with it-) and how she wishes she could meet everyone.

After sitting under the stars for a while, we got up and grabbed all our trash (NO LITTERING) and started heading back home.

Y/N's POV:

When we finally got home, Angel immediately flopped onto my bed. I rolled my eyes and said 

"Really? Goin' to bed already?" I chuckled

"Yes, I'm tired" he said, smiling at me "Goodnight, N/N"

I laughed slightly before saying "Goodnight, Angie" 

He turned over and closed his eyes, his breathing began to slow down as he drifted off to sleep.

I sat down in my desk chair, pulling out my diary and unlocking it with the key. 

I flipped to a fresh page, grabbing a pen and jotting down the date before beginning to write

"Entry 20..

Ugh, he's just so amazing, and wonderful, and sweet, and funny and just everything I've ever wanted. I wish he'd love me back someday, but I doubt that'll ever happen.. he comforts me when I'm sad, he understands when I need space and he never ever blames me or ignores me and I just want this to last forever. I want to tell him how I feel but I'm just so damn scared. He's too perfect, way too perfect for me to risk losing him. I just wish I could tell him without telling him, but that's not possible. Why does this have to be so hard? And why the HELL does he have to be so perfect??"

I sighed as I put down my pen and locked up my diary, putting it back in it's hidden place before  leaning back in my chair, looking up at the ceiling as I thought

"What's next?"


Hey y'all! I want to let you know that this book is actually getting serious to me now haha! I actually have a notebook and I'm writing down the plan for the book moving forward so I'm not just writing things as I go! I finally have a plan!

With that being said, I'm serious this time. Chapters WILL be more consistent I PROMISE.

Love you all!



&quot;I Feel..Loved&quot; //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now