||By Fate||Chapter 16||

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Y/N's POV:

I squinted as I felt consciousness coming back to me, my surroundings felt very different.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and saw a big pentagram surrounded by a red sky above me. The sight I'd seen only once before.

I smirked, I didn't feel any pain from my wounds anymore as I stood up.

"Well, it worked" I whispered to myself.

See, another big reason that I started killing was to end up down here when I died, looks like it was effective.

I spun around slowly, looking at everything. I saw some people beating each other up, some people.. fucking..

"on the street..?" I said to myself "guess this is hell though after all" I shrugged, turning away.

I took a look down at myself, I was wearing an outfit similar to that of the one I died in, I had grey skin, I twisted my body to look at my appearance at the back of my body.

A raccoon tail sat on my backside, I smiled. I then felt my head, I touched a pair of rounded ears on my head.

"So I'm a fuckin raccoon?" I asked to myself as I shook my head.

I looked into one of the (broken) windows of a shop of some sort, seeing my reflection in full

I had h/l lighter black hair and the raccoon ears sat atop my head, blending flush with my hair. 

My face had black over my eyes and on my nose, almost looking like a superhero mask.

"Yep, definitely a raccoon" I chuckled, smiling as I saw my teeth.

They weren't yellow like many other demon's teeth, in fact they were quite white, but still a little tint of yellow laid on them. I ran my tongue over the fangs I had.

I smirked "I look hot" I said, closing my mouth as I walked forward with a small sigh.

"Now let's try to find this goddamn hotel"

I walked around aimlessly as I tried to find this damn hotel, but I couldn't find shit, anyone I asked either laughed in my face or just walked away. I beat up a couple people who where especially disrespectful, it felt satisfying doing that with no consequence.

As I wandered through hell, I started to think "maybe being extremely good friends with a demon, and even visiting hell once might've made me more powerful" I shrugged and figured I'd find out everything soon enough.

"fucking damnit, still nothing"  I said, groaning as I walked, now slowly towards an alleyway.

I sighed, walking into the alleyway and leaning my back against it before sliding down. I had traveled to a pretty empty part of hell, I guess no one really came around this area much.

I let my head lazily tip to the side as I rested all of my weight on the wall and floor, my eyes started to feel heavy so I let them close completely, I let out one last sigh before the veil of sleep washed over me.

My eyes slowly opened, I groaned as I readjusted myself to be sitting straight up.

It felt like it had been only a few hours, the fuck?

"Ughh" I whined, slowly dragging myself to my feet, deciding to give up on sleep for now.

I kept searching for the hotel, it felt as though I had walked through all of Pentagram City, even though I knew that wasn't true. I began to wonder if it even still existed.. did it get destroyed..?

Oh shit...what if something happened to Angel? 

I tried my best to push the though away as I continued to walk, looking down every street and corner and secluded area. Still..nothing.

I decided again to just give up on the search, hoping I'd find it by fate.

I was still going insane, I wanted to destroy everything.. I so desperately wanted to see Angel, to hug him, to hold him, tell him I love him too, since I never got the chance..

But, on earth I had learned not to show my insanity, the one exception being during a kill. Hell was no different.

I walked around, bored out of my mind and my insanity picking at me.

This continued for hours, feeling like an eternity.. until I heard a broadcast going out.

I gasped, hoping it was who I thought it was, and sure enough..

"Salutations, damned denizens of hell! I have come back on the air to inform you that there is a certain demon that we have been informed has arrived in hell! Her name is Y/N, be looking out everyone, if you happen to run into her, inform us immediately! Thank you!" Alastor announced.

"A whole broadcast for little ol' me? I'm flattered, Al" I whispered with a chuckle, my mood lightening just knowing that they knew I was here, and were looking for me.

How did Alastor know I had arrived? I had no clue, but I wasn't gonna question.

I decided to go and find Cannibal Town, in hopes to find Alastor so he could lead me to the hotel.

I walked around Cannibal Town for hours. Still. Fucking. Nothing. Alastor, the hotel, and everybody else who stayed there were no where to be found. I groaned and just decided to give up on finding anything, again trusting fate, but this time I took a bit of a... different approach.

"Let's make this fun, shall we?" I whispered under my breath as I got an idea.

If I can't find them, I might as well just attract their attention, right?

I decided to go on a mass killing spree, no one big or important, just anyone who was annoying or bothered me in any way. It was fun as fuck, it felt so freeing not having to hide my killings anymore.

Now I still stand by what I said, I still enjoy the fear more than the death, but a few kills don't hurt, right?

Alastor's POV:  (oo new POV)

I noticed Y/N's little.. activities. I chuckled when I first heard about her killing spree, she's doing all of us a favor really, killing off some of the nuisances. Nonetheless, I went to go look for her so I could lead her back to the hotel, Angel Dust was getting incredibly desperate. He was an absolute mess most all the time.

I tried to follow along on where she went with her killings, just barely keeping up as she jumped all around Pentagram City.

Finally, after about a day, she returned to Cannibal Town, she didn't kill anyone there. Which earned her some more of my respect.

When I was sure she was going to be there for long enough, I decided to show myself

"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now