||How Long is Forever?||Chapter 14||

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Y/N's POV:

I made my decision,  I was going to go back to earth, back to my mortal life.

It was a hard decision to make, but I think it's best, I just hoped, that with time, I'd be at least okay without him..

I sighed, getting out of bed and slowly standing up. "Fuck, I really am leaving him.." I said, realizing truly the severity of what I was deciding to do.

I walked over to the closet, grabbing a simple outfit and quickly changing, brushing my hair and quickly walking downstairs.

Again, the smell of coffee and alcohol. I smiled as I heard Husk complaining about something and Angel laughing his ass off

"No, you don't even get it, this little- gremlin- told me every fuckin detail!" I heard Husk say as I got closer

"PFF- THATS HONESTLY SO FUCKING FUNNY" Angel laughed until he was literally gasping for air

"Alastor needs to take those comics away from her, or I swear to fuck-" Husk said, taking a drink from the bottle he was holding.

I just chuckled and shook my head, sitting on a bar stool beside Angel.

"Morning, Husk" I said, my voice sounding a bit tired

"Mornin, kid" He said, nodding his head to me before taking another drink from his bottle.

I sighed, Angel heard me "Hey, toots, what's goin' on?" He said with a bit of concern, turning to me

"I.. Angel, I made the decision" I said, my voice laced with sorrow. His eyes widened a bit, then softened

"Aight, what are ya gonna do?" He said, I could sense a hint of hope in his tone, and I felt even more guilt, knowing I was about to crush it.

"I'm going back to earth" I said with guilt and sorrow dripping from my voice. His expression dropped, and he sighed, nodding and hugging me.

I even saw Husk get a little down when I said it "We'll miss you, kid" he said with a very slight smile. I returned the smile in the same fashion after pulling back from Angel's embrace.

"I'll miss you guys too.." I said, turning back to Angel, we were both teary-eyed "..so much" I said, more to him than Husk

Husk took another drink from his bottle, walking away to somewhere, we didn't quite know where.

"Hey, we still have the whole day together before i have to go, let's make the most of it" I said, smiling and wiping a tear from my cheek

"Well, what're we waitin for? Cmon!" He said, pulling me up the stairs to his room (GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER😡) I laughed as he pulled me into his room, closing the door.

"I already have a whole day planned out, dont you even worry" He said, smiling

"Angel oh my gosh" I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

He chuckled as he told me the plan for the day, it reminded me of the time I was listing things off to do on that one day that we went to the park and the creek.. how I missed that, it seemed like forever ago now..

I snapped out of my thoughts as he finished the list, and I said "Okay, but first.. I need to tell the others my decision."

He nodded, we walked out of his room again and made our way downstairs to the parlor. Everyone was there, chatting and laughing.

I walked in, finding an empty spot next to Charlie and Angel stood behind the couch where I was sitting.

I sighed and the chatter subsided, then stopped as I got ready to speak. 

"Guys.. I made the decision." I said, looking at them all.

Alastor perked up a bit, intrigued in my decision, Nifty stopping chasing the bug she was after, turning to look at me, Vaggie turned her attention fully to me, and Charlie spoke "Alright, go ahead and tell us" I took a deep breath

"I'm going back to earth.." I said quite sad, not wanting to leave them all..

Charlie sighed, Nifty frowned and went back to catching the bug, but less cheerful now, Vaggie looked down slightly, and Alastor's smile seemed to soften.

Charlie spoke again "Alright.. well you still have the rest of today, don't you?" 

I nodded, "Me and Angel have a fun day planned to make the most of it"

Charlie smiled, standing up from the couch "Well you two have fun, and I'll be around if you need me" She said, starting her way up to her and Vaggie's room.

I turned to Angel "Cmon, let's make the most of this last day" I said with a smile, leading him back to his room

That day had to have been the best of my life, we watched movies with the whole crew, and had a huge popcorn fight with all of them! Nifty had fun cleaning that one up I'm sure. Me and Angel picked flowers as well (They were all dead, but still beautiful) We also did karaoke and prank called Cherri! We had so much fun and did all the things we loved to do.. it reminded me of when we were still on earth, doing them all for the first time... and as the end of the day approached, me and Angel laid together on the floor, talking about how and when we would ever meet again.. and then the dreaded time came..

Lucifer knocked on the door, sighed "Come in"

He opened the door and stepped inside, everyone else stood at the door as Lucifer looked at me as I stood up from the ground, Angel following suit.

"You ready?" He said, I nodded with a bit of reluctance. He opened a portal.

I turned to Angel and hugged him tight, but as I pulled away, he grabbed my hands and looked at me.

"Y/N.. before you go.. I want to tell you something" He started and I tilted my head

"I... I love you, I fell in love with you so quickly it was almost love at first sight.. from when I first heard you singing.. to now, I don't care if you love me back the same, I just needed you to know that you're so beautiful and strong and kind and I couldn't even stop myself from falling.." He let all of his feelings spill

"Angel.. I-" I started, but before I could say anything, Lucifer pushed me through the portal and everything felt weightless..

I didn't even get to tell him I loved him too, and now I don't know if I'll ever see him again..

As I appeared back in my room, I felt myself laying on the ground.

My parents were standing there..  they gasped when they saw my eyes opened

"Oh my god.. Y/N.. We thought you were dead! I woke up and found you like this just a few minutes ago, I was about to call the police! I'm so glad you're okay, what happened?" My mom said, hugging me

Anger and sadness stirred within me and I nudged her off "Leave. Please, just- go." I said through gritted teeth as tears started to drip down my cheeks.

My mom was about to protest, but she just left the room, closing the door with a concerned look on her face.

I cried all the rest of the day into the night, my stomach and head hurt like hell and I finally laid back against my bed, too tired to keep crying

"Please.. let us meet again" I said, my voice hoarse

Angel's POV;

Everyone showed their concern for me as they kept checking on me, I spent the whole night crying and pleading.

"Please..please let us meet again" I said through tears as I sat, curled up on the ground

"I can't do this without you"

Y/N's POV;

"I can't do this without you" I said, a final tear falling down my cheek as I drifted to sleep.

"I will find my back to you" I said in a mere whisper to myself as the darkness cradled me to sleep...

"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now