||Adapting||Chapter 18||

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up to all of Angel's arms protectively wrapped around me, I chuckled slightly, waking him up.

"Sorryy" I whispered, draping my arms around his neck and smiling at him

"It's 'aight, Il mio futuro"

"Are you ever gonna tell me what that means?" I said with a playful eye roll

"Still thinkin' 'bout it, but if you're really impatient, there are otha' ways ta find out ya know"

I shrugged as I wriggled myself out of his arms and got out of bed, earning a groan from Angel.

"Come on, sleepy head, let's get up, I wanna see if we can be the first ones downstairs"

"N/N, you know that Husk jus' sleeps down there, right?"

"Well yea, but he doesn't count. Come on!!" I said, pulling his blanket off him

"Per l'amor di Satana, N/N." He groaned, reaching for the blanket, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of bed before he could.

"AH-" He yelped as he quickly steadied himself on the ground.

I chuckled as I dragged him out of the door and down the stairs to the parlor, sure enough, we were the first ones down there, besides Husk who had fallen asleep slumped over the bar.

"Yes! First ones down!" I did a little dance of victory before happily plopping down on one of the seats in the parlor

"Accidenti, adoro questa donna" I heard Angel mutter to himself as he sighed and sat down with me

"What are all these things you're sayingg" I said in a playful whiney tone as I shook his shoulder

"Don't worry about it, La mia bellezza, maybe if you learned some Italian, you'll find out"

"Maybe I will" I said, pouting and crossing my arms, turning away from him.

"Oh don't be a brat" Angel said, grabbing my chin and making me look back at him before kissing me sweetly, after a few seconds he pulled away and smiled

"Hmph." I said, laughing a little.

He rolled his eyes playfully and we just chilled on the couch for a while, watching some funny videos and cuddling

After maybe an hour, Charlie and Vaggie came down

"What's uppp!" I said, waving to them as they sat on another seat near me and Angel.

"Hey!" Charlie said, smiling and Vaggie waved

The rest of the crew came down and we watched Nifty absolutely murder a cockroach (I had to write that in I'm sorry I just feel like this is a very common occurrence with Nifty-😭)

After a few hours of just chatting and cracking jokes, me and Angel decided to go out for breakfast.

We walked around Pentagram City for a bit, until we found a place that looked decent and went in.

The waiter was oddly kind.. but most of it felt like it was directed to Angel. He completely blew her off though, which I greatly appreciated. 

After we got out, Angel complained about the waiter

"She was totally tryin' sumn' with me, I was not havin' it at all. Remind me ta neva' go back there" He said with a sigh, looking down at me as I smiled at him

"You doin' okay?" He said as his expression turned to that of slight concern.

"Oh- yeah, yeah! I'm fine! I just.. really love you, that's all" I said with a beaming smile.

"awwwhh, you're too sweet, I love you too, Il mio futuro, don't ya eva' forget that"

"I'm guessing I should get used to that name, huh" I said with a giggle

"Yep" He said, leaning down and kissing me sweetly. 

I smiled into the kiss, he slowly pulled away and took my hand as we walked back to the hotel.

Once we got through the doors, Charlie ran up to me.

"Y/N! You're back! Come here! Come on!" She said as she grabbed my hand and practically dragged me up the stairs, we finally got up there and down the hall, just next to Angel's room.

Charlie handed me a key "Open it!" she said, practically jumping for joy. I chuckled as I unlocked the door and gently pushed it open.

"Angel told us about some of the things you like, so we based your room off that! I hope you like it! You can totally redecorate if you want though!" She said, walking in with me and standing by the door as I marveled at the decor and even the furniture that was placed exactly how I liked it

"He remembers...this much about me?" I said, looking back at Charlie

"Girl, he literally goes on and on about you for like..hours, non-stop, it's honestly starting to get annoying" Vaggie pitched in as she emerged from the hallway. I chuckled at her comment

"Awwh" I gushed as I put my hands over my heart

"But guys..this is actually really nice, it's literally my dream room." I said, walking over and hugging Charlie and Vaggie

"No problem! We want you to be as comfortable here as possible!"  Charlie said, dismissively waving her hand and smiling.

Angel soon came in, after Vaggie and Charlie had left.

"Sooo, how do ya like it?" He said, sitting down beside me on the bed

"I absolutely love it!" I said, laying down on the bed and smiling


The rest of the day, Angel and the others helped me adapt to hell and how I would have to survive down here, how I would protect myself. At night, me and Angel curled up in bed and cuddled

"I love you so much"

"I love you more"

"Uhm, Nuh u-"

Angel kissed me before I could finish my sentence 

"Damnit Angel" I whispered playfully, he winked and held me closer.

I giggled softly as our bodies fit flush as if we were two puzzle pieces, so perfect.

I fell asleep so easy in his arms.. and even in hell.... I felt safe.. I felt okay

"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now