||Dandelion Wishes||Chapter 17||

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Y/N's POV:

I sat on a bench in Cannibal Town, my elbow resting on my knee and my palm supporting my face. I sighed, I couldn't find the hotel, or anyone in it for that matter.. I even tried attracting them straight to me with my mass killing sprees! Nothing worked.. I started to wonder if I was even meant to find it, if I was even meant to see Angel ever again.. my eyes began to tear up as I let my arm back down off my knee and tilted my head down, slumping against the back of the bench.

As the tears cascaded down my face, I heard footsteps in front of me.. I paid them no mind, I was to busy sulking to care.. until..

"My dear, what have I told you about smiling even in trying times?" The familiar static-coated voice said.

I slowly opened my eyes and first my gaze was cast on his shoes, I slowly lifted my head to look at his face.. sure enough, exactly who I thought it was.

"..Alastor?" I said, my voice still quiet and shaky from my crying.

"The one and only" He chuckled

I jumped up, smiling as I frantically wiped the tears from my face.

"Let's not waste any time, my dear, the occupants of the hotel are, not-so-patiently, awaiting your arrival!" He said, waving his hand for me to come with him as he begun to walk.

_____-Small Time Skip-_____

I practically skipped close behind Alastor as he walked calmly and in very proper manner.

We reached the hotel and he held the door open, I ran straight through the door, quickly yelling a "Thank you!" over my shoulder to Alastor as I booked it up the stairs.

I ran to Angel's room like it was a race. Upon reaching his door, I took a second to catch my breath.

I took one final deep breath before knocking on his door, still decorated with the same lights and polaroid pictures as the last time I came here.

I heard a slightly annoyed groan as he shuffled to the door, I couldn't help but giggle a little at it.

I saw the doorknob twist, before the door opened, revealing Angel. He looked so sad and tired, and it looked like he'd been crying non-stop for a while. 

He looked down at me and his eyes immediately widened in shock, before a smile cracked onto his face.

"....Y/N?" He said, not being able to contain the excitement that dripped from his voice.

I nodded my head as I smiled up at him, my eyes starting to tear up again, but this time from happiness.

He picked me up with all of his arms and spun me around and around (Wow, deja vu much??) as we both laughed with pure joy... something that I had a feeling we both hadn't felt in a good while. 

After a while, Angel gently put me down and we both calmed down from our laughter. He brought me down to the parlor, where everyone was now sittting.

Slowly, I walked in and smiled at everyone as their faces lit up and Charlie and Vaggie hugged me tight. Nifty stopped her cleaning to come say hello and Husk even smiled wider than I've ever seen when he saw me.

We spent half the day just catching up, telling stories and playing games. It was honestly probably the most fun time I've ever had...

_____-Playing Truth or Dare-_____

We all sat in a circle and Charlie was thinking about who to ask

"Hmmmmm.... Y/N! Truth or Dare?" 

"Oh boy" I said, smiling "Dare"

Charlie giggled with excitement and said "I dare you to try and steal Alastor's cane" 

I gasped, Alastor wasn't playing with us, he took no interest in these things.

"Can I do it with Angel though?" I said, thinking of a plan on how to do this

"Sure!" She said, shrugging her shoulders.

Angel looked at me with a look that said "Why did you just drag me into this"

I giggled at his face and shrugged my shoulders "Well then, why not!" I said.

After a while, we all split up to go do our own things and me and Angel went back up to his room.

I was still thinking about how to steal Alastor's cane, I wasn't one to back out on a dare.

Me and Angel came up with a whole plan on how we were gonna do this.

After we were sure it would work, we put it into action.

Angel and I went and found Alastor, he was standing at the bar, probably giving Husk some shit.

Angel went over and I didn't let myself be seen as Angel started flirting with Alastor, it was clear Alastor was getting a bit frustrated. I gave a thumbs-up to Angel as I snuck around them and reached for Alastor's cane that leaned against the bar

Alastor whipped his head all the way around to look straight at me and smiled angrily.

"AH-SHIT- ANGEL, ABORT MISSION, RUN!!!" I screamed as I ran away and Angel followed after as we booked it to his room.

He pulled open the door and we both ran inside. After we were both in and the door was shut, we both broke out into a fit of laughter and collapsed on the floor, almost not being able to breath.

We calmed down after several seconds and pulled ourselves up off the ground. We looked at each other in silence for a bit before Angel's expression faded into something more serious.

He spoke in a quieter, softer voice "Y/N.. do you remember when..before you went back to earth..I confessed to you...? I've been so worried and curious this whole time and I really need to know.... do you feel the same..?" 

I looked up at him before smiling softly "Angel... yes, I do, I have for.. quite a while." I said, my voice tender, dripping with affection.

His face lit up and he hugged me tight, before gently putting me down and bending down to lean closer.

"Can...Can I kiss you?" (CONSENT. CONSENT IS KEY🙏)

I nodded my head and we both leaned closer, closing the gap between us. A sweet and gentle kiss. 

My lips fit together so perfectly with his... We fit together like puzzle pieces.

He smiled into the kiss before pulling away and smiling at me.

I blushed and smiled back as one of his hands cupped one side of my face. I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes, feeling happy.

_____-Another Small Time Skip-_____

Me and Angel laid in bed now, cuddling and not planning on letting go any time soon.

I whispered to him "Hey, Angel" 

He hummed in response, encouraging me to continue.

"What did you wish for on that dandelion we blew out together the first time we stargazed in my backyard?" I said with a curious smile

"Ah-ah, I won't tell, dandelion wishes are meant to be kept to oneself" He chuckled

"Hmph. Fine, I won't tell you mine either then" I pouted

He chuckled again "Fair deal, Il mio futuro"

"What's that mean?" I asked

"I'll tell ya soon enough, now get some sleep" 

I fluttered my eyes shut, still curious as to what he called me, but just happy to be with the person I loved most nonetheless.

"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now