||What to do||Chapter 13||

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I looked up at the smiling man in front of me, my eyes widened slightly in shock.

He chuckled "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart, quite a pleasure! See I happened to hear your complaints to yourself and took it upon myself to help!"  Alastor said, his usual cheery radio host voice ringing through my ears.

"First of all, I'm sorry you had to hear that in the first place" I laughed softly, he chuckled

"Second, how do you plan to help?" I said, crossing my arms, getting a bit suspicious.

"Well my dear, I know of your situation and I have taken interest in helping you with your.." He looked down at me before finishing his sentence "..decision"

I narrowed my eyes, but let him in nonetheless. I stepped out of the way and he politely walked in, stepping to the middle of the room before stopping, turning around to face me as I shut the door gently.

I stood in front of him and spoke "So.. your thoughts?"

He smiled a bit wider. "I think that it would be best for you if you returned to your mortal life"

He said it so casually, like what he was saying wasn't in regards to a decision that would change my life- or, afterlife, depending on said decision- I thought about my response, before answering.

"Really?  Why do you think so?" I said, tilting my head, cocking a brow.

"Well, my dear, I personally truly miss my mortal life. Hell really is not a wonderful place to be, not in the slightest, while I do enjoy the entertainment of failure and bloodshed, I dearly miss when that wasn't all I was known for." He sighed, still smiling.

His words were lined with emotion that I couldn't even detect.. I tried to look past it and argued.

"But.. it's so hard to make a decision when going back to my mortal life means leaving the one I love.." 

Alastor hummed thoughtfully, thinking of his next response.

"Though I am surely not the one to talk to about romance, I still do stand with my argument. However, I understand vaguely how that could be conflicting, even though I do not relate to it." 

I started to tear up, wishing this all would just go away and I could go back to when me and Angel always watched movies and had popcorn fights and hung out at the creek and...when everything was okay... 

Alastor saw my teary eyes..

He began to sing... 

"Smile though your heart is aching.. smile even though it's breaking"

"When there are clouds in the sky, you get by!"

"If you smile through your fear and sorrow.."

"Smile and maybe tomorrow.."

"You'll see the sun come shining through"

I smiled as he sang, even though tears still rolled down my face, their flow lessened

"Light up your face with gladness"

"Hide every trace of sadness!"

"All though a tear, may be ever so near"

"That's the time you must keep on trying!"

"Smile, what's the use of crying?"

"You'll find that life is still worth-while"

"If you'll smile"

He stopped singing and looked at me with his same cheery demeanor 

"Did that weigh your decision in any way?" He said after a few seconds of comfortable silence

"Yes, actually, it did." I said, smiling at him. "Thank you, Alastor"

Alastor chuckled "Ah, no problem my dear! No problem at all! I will take my leave now, as to let you sleep, it is evident you are tired." He said, starting to head towards the door.

I followed him, he turned to me once he was standing outside and said one final thing

"Keep that smile on your face, and have a wonderful night!" He said before starting down the currently dark hallway.

I shut the door, thinking of the words he said.

I walked to my bed and flopped down onto it, getting comfortable and pulling the thick covers up to my shoulders and letting myself doze off to sleep..

_____-Time Skip-_____

I woke up to the smell of coffee and alcohol, I figured that was normal.

I slowly got out of bed, the slightly chilled air of the room giving me chills since it differed from the warm comfort of the blanket, as I got up and stretched, I was quite eager to go downstairs and see everyone.

Charlie and Vaggie lent me some clothes just in case I decided would be staying there, I grabbed a simple outfit and threw it on before heading downstairs.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard the chatter between everyone as they cheerfully discussed stories.

I stepped onto the floor and waved to everyone, Charlie excitedly waved back, Husk gave me a quick hand gesture as a "good morning", Alastor smiled at me, Vaggie waved, laughing at Charlie sweetly, Angel walked up and gave me a hug

"Good morning Y/N!" he said as we walked together towards the group.

I sat there with them basically all morning while they told me stories of the hotel and I started to get along with everyone.

Even Husk said I was a lot more rational and tolerable than most everyone else. I very much appreciated that actually.

Throughout the rest of the day, I hung out with Angel and a couple others at different times.

Charlie and Vaggie gave me more advice on how to confess to Angel when I was ready as well, Charlie seemed so excited about it all, I figured she'd be the type to love romance.

I had so much fun that day, me and Angel kept talking and every time he spoke I remembered how much I had fallen for him..

But I still had that decision hanging over my head like a storm cloud every time I got too happy..

That night, I lay in bed, thinking over the decision. I didn't want to leave the one I had fallen so deeply in love with, but I liked my mortal life, I didn't want to be stuck in hell when I know I could still be living up there..

I just loved him so dearly it made it so hard to choose...

I started to cry, the warm tears dripping down my face and neck before landing beside me on the sheets.. and I just happened to think of that wish I had made on the dandelion that night when we had stargazed in the backyard..

I remembered my exact thought before I blew it out

"I wish that we'll always find our way back to each other.. even if we're separated by anything and everything."

I wondered if my wish would ever come true.. I guess if I decided to leave, I'd know.

I still wondered though

"What did he wish for that night..?"

"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now