||You're Unforgettable||Chapter 15||

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Narrators POV:

In the next  6 months, Y/N had started school and was slowly going mad without Angel with her.

However, she didn't become quiet, or reserved, or even short tempered. She still talked to people like normal, she had a good social life, though she still wasn't very popular, she was happy about it.

No one suspected anything, no one knew what happened, and they didn't need to.

Y/N's POV:

I got home, walking up the stairs without a word to anyone.

Everything reminded me of him, even with 6 months having gone by.. I felt pathetic in that sense.

I dropped my bag on the floor, sitting down at my desk. I dropped my head into my hands, my hair brushed against my fingers. I silently cried, just as I did every day. I was insane, I was shattered, in shambles.. I slowly leaned over and unzipped my bag, grabbing my computer and a few pages of homework I had to do. 

For a couple hours, I casually did my homework, still thinking of him. I was always thinking of him, what we could've been if I'd stayed.

I regretted leaving, really. Life sucked so much without him it wasn't even worth it.

Everything repeated itself, the same day over and over. Except for the weekend, which differed only slightly. I didn't really bother to have a social life outside of school, I didn't want to have to hold it all in any more than I already had to. 

I anticipated the veil of night as I worked on my homework, some of it was on the computer, some on paper, some both.

When the first few stars began to twinkle, signaling darkness and nighttime, I immediately got up and rummaged through my closet, finding some dark clothes that didn't seem too suspicious.

I quickly threw them on, grabbing my pistol and knife and rushed out of my room, walking past my mother's room quickly, making sure she didn't see me as I called out 

"I'm going on a walk" I yelled to her as I rushed down the stairs.

"Okay. Text me if you're in trouble, be safe." She said.

I twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open, rushing out into the cool air.

The air calmed me a bit as it hit my face and a breeze whistled through my ears. I slowed down to enjoy it more, but I still walked quite fast.

I looked up to the sky, the stars twinkled above me and I saw the constellations I had learned so much about.

Again, reminded of Angel.. the same ones I had pointed out to him. A single tear escaped my eye as I started to reach the beginning of the forest.

To get to the point, I kill things as some sort of sick coping mechanism for my sorrows.

Something about the thought of something dying by my cause just kept me sane.

It started out with just animals, and small ones at that, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons.

Then it progressed to bigger things, deer, wolves, I even killed an elk once.

Finally, it came to people.. they were the most fun of all.

I laughed just thinking about the fact that people older than me had died by my hands

Angel's POV:

I  threw myself into the barstool, laying my upper body onto the bar.

"I need a drink" I said almost desperately, groaning as I laid my head down on the bar. 

"Woah, you finally come outta your room?" Husk said, his surprise feeling very artificial.

"Fuck you" I said, quietly and angrily.

I still hadn't gotten over Y/N, not in the slightest, and it had been 6 months..

I fell back into alcohol and drugs to cope, the only nights I felt just a little bit okay were either when I was wasted or higher than the ceiling. I felt so pathetic, so shattered intp millions of pieces.

What weighed on my sorrows even more was that I didn't even know if she loved me back or not, she didn't get the chance to tell me, I didn't get the chance to hear it.

I wondered if she even missed me, if she was absolutely crazy without me like I was without her.

I downed several drinks, eventually just snatching the bottle and swallowing what was left of it.

I flopped back down onto the counter, my eyes tearing up as I began to cry, my tears landing on the bar.

I dragged myself out of the barstool, keeping my head down as I slowly pulled myself up the stairs. Tears running down my face as I pulled open the door to my room, quickly stepping in and shutting the door behind me before slamming my back against it, sliding down the door as I sobbed.

I curled my legs up to my chest and laid my top pair of arms on them.

I cursed under my breath as I used my other pair of arms to slam down on the ground with my fist, letting out some of the frustration that had mixed with my sorrow. 

"Come back.. please Y/N"

Y/N's POV:

i chuckled to myself as I made my way through the slightly damp grass, moving through the forest, fast-paced and quietly, I clutched my pistol in my hand, smiling madly.

I moved my way through the thicket of trees, bushes, plants, and grass. I looked into the distance, and on both sides of me frequently, trying to find the cabin I was searching for.

As I took a couple more steps and peered through the trees, I saw it

"Bingo" I whispered, changing direction to walk towards the cabin.

I chuckled quietly, giddy with excitement as I got close enough to the cabin to where it was in range for me to shoot from afar.

Personally, I more thoroughly enjoyed the fear and screams of my victims, watching them cower and shake gave me all the satisfaction I needed.. I didn't really do it for the actual bloodshed.

My plan for this victim was to shoot through their window, just to give them a fright and a mess to clean up, then forget about it, making sure there would be no evidence it was me.

As I said, the screams and fear was just enough for me, I didn't plan to actually kill them.

I knelt onto the grass, feeling the little bit of water seeping through my pants at the knees, given the dampened grass.

I aimed at the cabin window, preparing to shoot..

When suddenly I felt my knife being quickly snatched out of my pocket, I was about to turn around to see what happened. But I couldn't even get my head all the way around to see before the person stabbed me right in the center of my back.

I shrieked as the pain sent a shock of chills throughout my entire body, the person pulled the knife out of my back as I fell onto the forest floor, instinctively rolling onto my back

Bad idea

I looked up at the person with teary eyes as they held the knife, they wore a mask and all black, I couldn't tell who it was or if it was someone I knew before they quickly dropped themselves onto one knee, lowering down closer to me and brutally stabbing me right in the heart.

I gasped as the excruciating pain sent through me, more tears rolling down my cheeks.

My vision grew hazy and I felt myself going unconscious as my eyes fluttered shut.

The person grabbed my gun and shot me in the head, I assumed just for good measure.

Everything went black and quiet as my body finally lay completely still.

I felt.. weirdly at peace.

"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now