||Disappearance..Insanity||Chapter 11||

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Angel's POV:

I wake up to a tap on my shoulder.. I smile, thinking it's Y/N.

My smile quickly fades..it's Charlie...

I was back in hell? What the fuck?

"Wait.. what." I say, half confused, half sad

Charlie smiles "You're finally awake! We were all so worried, you were in like some sort of coma, for like 5 days straight!"

Coma..? Only 5 days..? 

"No I.. 5 days? I- no, no no no no no" I say, my voice getting quieter.

"Where is she." I say, Charlie gives me a confused look

"What do you mean? Who is 'she'?" She says, hand on my shoulder as I sat up in my bed

"Where is Y/N." I say, getting worried, sad, angry, confused.

"Y/N? I've never heard of a Y/N.." Charlie says "Maybe you should lay back down Angel.." She says, concerned. I pushed her off and ran out of my room.

"Angel!" She yelled, chasing after me.

I frantically looked in every room, in every little place she could even fit in. I knew she wouldn't even be down here anyway, but I let myself go insane, hoping to find her, anywhere..

After hours of searching, of course to no avail, I sank down against the wall against the door and started to cry. It was all way too real to be a "dream" way too real.. 

I never got to tell her how I felt, and now I feared I never would get the chance.. I blurted everything out to Charlie, everything about our time together, about how beautiful she was in every way.

After that, I shut down. I ran to my room and sat on the bed, crying until my head hurt, the tears streamed down my face as I screamed..

I refused to set foot out of my room after that.. I didn't talk to anyone...

Y/N's POV:

I woke up to find the space beside me completely empty. My eyes widened and a pang of anxiety pulled at my stomach. "Angel..?" I said, getting up, he never got up before me in the mornings.. let alone leave the room.

I frantically searched for him everywhere but I couldn't find him.. I opened every door, checked every spot he could ever be, hell I even started checking the damn drawers.

I couldn't find him.. I ran to my room and threw myself onto my bed, curling up into a ball and breaking down, I cried and cried for what felt like hours, in between my tired inhales for air, I kept pleading out to nothing 

"Please, bring him back.. please... I can't do this please don't take him from me please don't say I'm crazy.." I kept crying, my head was pounding, my breathing was irregular and dangerously quick. I eventually just laid down and slept, too tired to keep crying.

Angel's POV:

I cried in my room for almost an hour straight.

I heard Charlie outside my door, calling her dad, she was asking him if it was possible for someone in hell to get transported to earth like that

"So she doesn't even believe me, huh?" I said to myself, my voice hoarse from the crying and screaming

I heard Charlie say that Lucifer was gonna be there pretty soon to talk about it more, I just sighed and finally went to bed.. I was way too tired to be dealing with any more of this shit.

"I Feel..Loved" //An Angel Dust x (FEM) Y/N fanfiction\\Where stories live. Discover now