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Hello people of wattpad, I bet you guys don't even remember me. Well it's Jasmine, more commonly known as Jazmyn_the_Crazy. I just wanted to apologize for my absence and decided to start over. I am going to start a new account and try this again. I'm not the same little girl who made this account. I have just finished middle school and I'm going to high school soon and I've matured a lot. I'm also a much better writer than what I was in sixth and seventh grade so having a new account will show my new skills. So if you would like to see my improvements please go to my new account, which will be made soon. It is going to be called JazzyTheBookworm123 and I apologize for any inconveniences. Thank you for reading.
P.S. - I will not delete this account if anyone still wants to read the stories but I will not be updating to this account.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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