Chapter XIV- I fall in love with a spear named Pain

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I picked up the spear. It was Celestial Bronze and it's name was Pónos, translated Pain in English. It felt balanced in my hand. I looked at Ally's new weapon, a black headband with skulls. Oh great, that thing needs a real makeover. I can almost guess what it's name is going to be in Spanish. Rompecabezas. If translated literally, it means Head Breaker. If not, it means Puzzler. Both names suit her family.

I couldn't believe that this was all real. I mean me and Ally are supposedly special. Until yesterday, I didn't even believe the Greek gods were real, or still existed. And I never thought I would be here choosing a spear with Ally. But here I was, with Ally, and a very dangerous headband.

The minute Ally put the headband on, her armor disappeared. After I brought Pónos out of the shed, my hair became frizzy, and my neck stopped crackling electricity. Ally said she had to run, so she could get an archery lesson from Chiron. I said OK, and ran to get a shower so my hair would frizz down.

After I got dressed in a short black skirt (but not too short to make anyone freak) and another orange Camp-Half Blood t shirt, I ran to the Aphrodite cabin. My intention was to borrow a curling iron for a little while, but things did not go as planned. I had made my first mistake by knocking on the cabin door. Normally, that is the polite thing to do, but when this girl Drew opened the door, she almost slammed it on me. In a flash, I flung the door back open and walked right in, pushing Drew down to the floor

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