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Ok,I'm going to try to do one in Tiffany's POV. Tiffany,do not, and I repeat, do not come after me if it's kinda messed up or wrong. A/N I am not afraid of her, but you never know what THAT daughter of Athena will do.

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Tiffany POV

I emerged out of my private bathroom in Cabin 6. I slung my backpack over my shoulder (after I got off of Facebook last night I packed. Better to be prepared then having to do everything at the last minute.). I walked out my cabin and almost got killed.

My least favorite Ares kid was running with his sword out. And, to my surprise, Tom was chasing him with his dagger drawn. And Alli, with a back pack slung over her shoulders and Puzzler in sword form was chasing after all of them.

WHAT THE HADES IS GOING ON?!? I thought. I unsheathed my dagger and chased after them.

Benjamin was the first to disappear into the sword arena. Then Tom, Alli, and I trailing in last. Alli and Benjamin were sword fighting and Tom was trying to pull Alli away so he could battle Benjamin.

I put my fingers in my mouth and let out an ear splitting whistle that only kids and descendents of Athena could manage. Benjamin dropped his sword and covers his ears. Tom somehow cut himself while covering his ears and was bleeding. Alli was still standing and looked unarmed. I remembered that Alli was a descendant of Athena and could stand the whistle, and could do it.

Alli looked over at Tom and when she saw her was bleeding she rushed over to his side.

“Tiffany, do you have some nectar that I could pour on his ear?" she asked, tears brimming in her eyes.

I've never seen a daughter of Ares cry since Clarisse did when Silena died.

I shook my head yes and handed her my canteen out of my backpack. She poured a very small amount, barely using any. She handed the canteen back after she said she would repay me. She dug an ambrosia square out of her backpack and tore off a small piece and shoved it in Tom's mouth. She then handed me a few ambrosia squares, saying it was her way to repay me for the nectar.

Tom woke up (he had hit his head on a dummy in his way down, pretty ironic to me)b and looked at me.

“Can you teach me how to whistle like that?" he asked me, looking smug. I grinned at him.

“Sorry, only children or descendents of Athena can do it and not hurt their ears." I say and helped Alli and Tom up.

“Oh, so that's why my totally awesome girlfriend had to heal me." he said, grinning his troublemaker grin at Alli and I. Alli blushed and Tom threw her over her shoulder, making Alli shriek as we ran to Thalia's tree to meet up with the others.

I coughed loudly to startle the couple in front of us. They jumped and turned around, Pain in Sky's hand and a bow in Henry's hand, an arrow notched with the quiver over his shoulder. When yet saw out was us, they put their weapons away. Sky's shrunk into a necklace and when Henry put the bow over his back, it and the quiver turned into a backpack.

“You guys are late. What took so long?" Sky asked, looking at Tom and Alli, madly grinning at their intertwined hands.

We all were about to start speaking at once when Argus, our many eyed security man, walked us to the car so he could drive us to the airport.And we're off to Florida after Mary and Annabella hopped in last. That's when I realized they couldn't ride the airplane or they'd be struck out of the sky because of their father.

“Argus, instead of the airport we must go to the nearest bus station please. I just realized that we cannot go on the plane or all of us, except Skyler, would get struck out of the sky by Zeus."

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