We find Alli, save two girls and the Olympians pets

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We find Alli, save two girls and the Olympians pets

*Sky POV*

I almost have a mental breakdown along with Tom. He must have really loved her.

After the Cyclops disappeared I immediately follow the huge footprints into a cave, the other six following close behind me, weapons out. I was surprised at what I saw. I saw twelve different animals in a gigantic cage full of cages. Beyond that I saw three cages, each one with someone in it. I start to walk towards the three cages when I stop at what I see. A black headband with skulls on it. Puzzler, Alli's weapon. When Tom sees it he starts running to the cages.

I see him take out a dagger and cut the locks on the cages. Two girls run out of the first two cages. Tom runs in the third one and picks up a girl. As he runs back to us I realize that it's Alli, who looks like she was losing a lot of blood from her head.

The girl who had the silver tiara on her head ran over to the cage with the Olympians pets and opened it. She grabbed two cages and hands it to the closest person to her and kept doing that until everyone, except Tom and Alli, had at least one cage. Then we ran out of the cave and kept running until we were in the woods with a bunch of girls wearing silver parkas and holding bows.

“Lady Artemis!" the silver tiara girl yelled.

A girl that looks about twelve ran up to us and immediately saw Alli and the pets of the Olympians.

“Lady Artemis, can you please help us get to Olympus, we need to see the rest of the Olympians." Silver Tiara said. Artemis nodded.

“Kayla you're in charge until I come back." Artemis said before flashing us to the Empire State Building. We walked up to the front desk.

“Six hundredth floor. Orders of Artemis." Artemis says. The reception lady handed us a key and

Artemis ushered us to an elevator. As soon as the key was in the slot, it shot straight up. We walk out and walk into the throne room. The Olympians are already awaiting us.

Everyone (except Tom who was still carrying an unconscious Alli) bowed to the gods.

“Rise demigods. We thank you for rescuing our pets. I see most of you are uninjured. Thank you once more and now Apollo has agreed to heal the unconscious girl." Zeus says. I look at my father as I stand up. Apollo takes Alli from Tom into a different room.

About half an hour later Apollo comes back and says we can see Alli.

“The girl has a broken arm, leg, and sprained wrist." he says. We walk in to see a small Alli, sitting in a white room in a white bed. Her eyes were closed.

Tom walked over to her and her eyes fluttered open.

“Hey Alli. How are you feeling?" Tom asked.

“Fine, I guess. Who are you?" she asked.


So I decided to finish it on this chapter. The sequel will be up in the morning. The sequel will be called “The New War". Thank you for reading and here is some Oreos.

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