Chapter VII - I remember my very intelligent mother

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I knew we were different.I always had.When my mom was alive and living she once told me “You are not normal, like me, but you are not the all powerful and superior like your father.You will be wise like your great-grandmother, but at the same time, strong like your father.Your not stupid or weak, but you will have plenty of challenges and chances.Remember that being different is a good thing."

That was the last thing she said to me before she joined the army and died.I always knew what she meant.That I was smart, but strong and I needed to be me.When I turned thirteen, everything just crashed on me.I dyed my hair black to hide my emotions and to look as if I didn't care about anything that happened to me.

When Alex said that I was a demigod,I realized what my mom meant.I was different because my father is a Greek god.My grandmother was a demigod.I was a daughter of a god and a descendent of a god.

I grabbed our things and told Tom what I was thinking.He winced when I said I was a descendant of a god as well as a daughter of a god as well.

We hurried and changed.Instead of dying my hair,I threw all my hair dye away.I put a red tank top on and a black, schoolgirl skirt on and my low heeled sandals on.I never wore a skirt unless it was a special occasion, but being me was a celebration to me.I also had a boyfriend.

My mom's advice always works.I grabbed a pair of jeans and a red t-shirt and a pair of plaid Converse.I grabbed a plaid jacket I use to go on vacations with the Summers to North Dakota and lastly, my lacy red cutoff gloves.I was ready to found out who my dad and great-grandmother is.

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