What. The. Freaking. Hades.

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What. The. Freaking. Hades.

*Alli POV*

I wake up with a terrible headache. I try to sit up then I groan. Let me not do that. I look around and see I'm in a cage. I look to my left and see two more cages.

“Oh look at that Thalia! She's awake!" a girl says sarcastically. I pull out Puzzler and will it into a spear.

“Clarisse leave her alone! She just woke up. Hi, I'm Thalia, daughter of Zeus and lieutenant of Artemis. This is Clarisse daughter of Ares. Be careful, she can be mean at times." the girl Thalia says.

“I know your sister Thalia." I say.

“I don't have a sister. I am Zeus's only child." she says confused.

“No she's my best friend, Skyler Summers. Oh and I'm your sister Clarisse." I say.

“I don't have a sister except for the one I'm looking for named-" I cut her off.

“She's name Allison Austin correct? That's me." I say. They looked confused.

I think they were about to say something when a huge Cyclops came in.

“Oh look, she's awake. Wasn't  smart to charge me was it?" he said.

“I was off guard. Take me out of this cage you big fat oaf and I'll show you what I can do." I reply sassily.

“I'll take you out when I have the other six. Then you can fight me." he says, his huge eye right in front of my cage.

I stand up and walk over to that part of the cage. I try to poke him in the eye with my spear. He picks up my cage, causing me to fall over.

“Time for you to take a nap." he said, then drops my cage. I drop Puzzler as the cage is falling.

The cage hits the ground and I hear a crack in my arm. I feel something wet on the back of my head. I put my good hand. I felt blood.

The last thing I heard was evil laughter.

Then darkness consumed me.


Hey guys. Only two or three chapters left. Don't worry, I'm going to make a sequel. Thank you for reading and I'll have the book done by today. By the way, I'm probably going to change the title to  The Life of Seven Half-Bloods. So don't freak out at the title change.

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