Chapter XXII- I meet the camp Oracle and recieve a prophecy

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OK, this is going to be different. Normally I do Skyler next but I'm going to break the order, just this once.

After I went to the Big House to ask Chiron if I could talk to him about the daughters of Poseidon, he just thought for a little while.

“I understand why you ran away from the Orphanage. I also know why one is a descendant of Ares, and the other Athena. Their mother was a friend of mine for a long time. Her great-great grandmother was a daughter of Ares. Her mother was a daughter of Athena. Poseidon had fell in love with her, and I knew she was going to have identical twins, with very different personalities. I had even met them when they were at the Orphanage. Why, I worked there and was going to bring them to camp. I had met you too, and I knew you were a demigod also, and was going to “adopt" you three, when you ran away, Annabella got adopted by one family, and Mary by another. I assumed that they would come to camp soon, but forget that they were twins. I also assumed you would stumble upon us as well." he said, looking kind of sad.

I was about to respond when a girl with very red hair came up to us. Her jeans were splattered with paint and she was wearing a Camp Half-Blood t shirt. She was breathless. I then saw the emposas' that kept finding me and Sky again. I grabbed Sky with my good arm and motioned to the monsters. She understood immediately. This was our battle to complete. I willed my headband into a javelin, while Skyler brought out Pónos. Thank the gods she had tights on with her black skirt.

I ran,well limped-ran, past the border and killed two emposas with one swing. Skyler had already killed three. An emposa kicked me in my bad ankle and I collapsed. She tried to bite me and I sliced her head clean off. Another one kicked my javelin out of my hand. I couldn't lose it, I had it enchanted by the Hespestus kids. A lightning bolt came out of nowhere. I saw there were no more emposa. It was now dinner time.

After dinner, we went to the camp fire. The girl with the red hair sat in between me and Sky. Chiron made an announcement stating that Rachel was back for the summer. Rachel went to stand by Chiron.

“Hello, again. For new demigods, I'm Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the camp's Oracle." she said then sat back down next to me.

“Hi Rachel." I said, shaking her hand with my good arm, “I'm Allison Austin."

Rachel started to shake my hand when she suddenly fell backwards. I put out my arm to try to catch her when she sat back up quickly. She looked at me, and started speaking with green smoke pouring out her mouth.

Seven will know,

and seven shall go.

They will stay,

in Gaea's way.

When she was finished speaking, she passed out.

“It is official! Allison Austin, daughter of Ares, descendent of Athena, shall lead the next quest!" Chiron said. Everyone turned to look at me. I was going to lead a quest with five other people

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