Chapter III- I judo flip two vamp cheerleaders

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Wow.My hair is back, and as blonde as it used to be.Sky let me put some red streaks in my hair again.She said I looked fabulous in my red skintight minidress.My hair was curly again, when the dye was out.I put light makeup on and three inch red heels with a black purse and we left for the party.

I was talking to Tom, when a slow dance came on.Tom invited mine to dance with him and I accepted.We locked eyes, and he kissed me.I could feel Sky's eyes watching me and Tom.

BOOM! Tom and I both looked up.I saw two cheerleaders with fangs with a teenaged boy with goat legs, hooves and horns, fighting.Tom started laughing at them.

"Looks like Alex Scantly can't get the cheerleaders to leave him alone."he said, pulling me back into a kiss.I pulled away.

"Hey, I'll be back.I have to go to the restroom."I said, heading that way.Only,I wasn't going to the bathroom.I was going to go stop the fight.Sky obviously had the same idea.I brought out my pocket knife, which was strapped onto the heel strap.I handed Sky my spare one which was in my purse.She looked at me, and flipped it open expertly.

I grabbed one cheerleaders hand and judo flipped her, and Sky followed my lead.In exact movements, Sky and I pulled all three of them in the bathroom with us.The cheerleaders got up and I instantly put my knife up to one of their throats.

"Who wants to tell me what's going on, and why you two have fangs, and why you look half way like a goat?"I said, looking at them one by one.

"Wow.You managed to look decent, but your attitude is not, Allison Austin."said the cheerleader Sky had flipped over.Without turning around,I threw my knife at her.

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