Chapter X- I fight monsters, and get claimed as a reward

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Finally, that plane was crowed and the seats were as hard as a bag of rocks.But sitting by the window made up for most of it.The view was amazing.I wasn't as scared as I thought I'd be in the air.It just felt natural.

Anyway, as soon as we got outside,I was glad I took Ally's advice to bring a jacket.The cool morning air hit my face, sending a chill down my spine.I felt alert, as I hailed a cab.The cab was exactly what I thought it would be.

Ally looked squeamish, like something was following us.I had to remember that Ally had lived here before.

“Where to?"asked our cabbie, like it was normal to see four teenagers in a cab.

“Long Island."said Alex, also looking squeamish.

Ally muttered something in Spanish, and I immediately knew something was wrong.Ally never says anything in Spanish in front of people.Alex looked horrified at whatever she said.I hate not knowing what she said.She and Alex started arguing in Spanish.

Ally took out her dagger, and touched the cabbie's neck with the tip and twisted slightly.Nothing happened, no blood.That meant he was a mortal.

“Duck!"yelled Ally.

My adrenaline was rushing as i ducked.A Celestial Bronze arrow went through the back window.

“Stop the cab."Ally shouted.She handed him a wad of money, and hopped out.

We scrambled after her.Tom muttered something in ancient Greek, as he brought out his dagger.Naturally I brought out mine.We were facing ten emposa.If looks could kill, they'd be dead due to the look on Ally's face.Ally was looked ready to kill.

Ally and I looked at each, looked at Tom, and all three of us charged.Ally grabbed five emposa, took their hands, judo flipped them, and slit their throats.They disappeared into dust.Tom took three and killed them easily.I took on the other two, and I must say,I did well for my first ever real fight with a monster.

When we heard the sirens, we ran.But Ally saw someone take a photo of us when we got out of the cab, after we had our weapons on.Great, we'll be wanted to go to jail for killing ten “innocent cheerleaders".

After ten miles,I saw a strawberry field.We kept going until we passed a tall pine tree.Then we saw a deadly looking summer camp, more like a boot camp.We kept on running until I tripped and fell.I got up and looked at the cabin I fell in front of.It was pretty creepy.I felt a chill go over me.It said “Cabin One; Zeus".

I got up and started running.We kept going until we were in front of a big blue house.I collapsed, because I was tired, and fell asleep.

I woke up a little later.I got up and looked for Ally.When I didn't see her,I yelled for her.She ran into the room.

“You ok? You feel down pretty hard." she said, looking impatient.

“I feel fine."I said.

“Then let's get ready to eat, it's almost dinner time."she said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me to a table without people in it.

The dining pavilion was beautiful.It was made of silver and white marble.There was a lot of pavilions, but this one had thirteen or fourteen.I realized there was one for every Olympian, and one for Hades.We were the only ones sitting at the fourteenth table.Ally said it was for unclaimed demigods.

When we got our food, we scraped a portion of it in the fire.Whoever you are, please show me,I thought, scraping a piece of my brisket in the fire.I walked back to my table.No later than I sat down, Ally pointed above my head, then pointed to my body.I looked up and saw a fading lightning bolt, then looked down and saw a bright pink dress.

My father is Zeus, and I'm somewhat associated with Aphrodite.

“She has been claimed! Her father is Zeus and she is a descendent of Aphrodite."said Chiron.

The Life of Seven Half-BloodsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora