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Yay! Sky's not mad at me anymore. I was put in a sling. That's when I noticed the weird girl, that looked a little like me.

“Who are you? I'm Allison. Allison Austin." I said, nodding to her because I couldn't shake her hand.

“I'm Annabella West." she said shyly.

“Well, Annabella, my father is Ares and I'm a descendant of Athena." I said, then gasped.

A girl who looked exactly like Annabella rushed up to us. They looked like twins. As if that wasn't enough a glowing green trident appeared over both of their heads. Annabella had a breastplate on, indicating that she was a descendant of Ares. The other girl had an owl circlet on her head, like I did when I was claimed as a descendant of Athena.

Two daughters of Poseidon. This could be bad.

Sorry for such a short chapter.

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