Makeover time

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Heller peeps,I said I'd do two new chapters yesterday and I didn't.So there will be four new chapters today. BTW,I STILL NEED NEW CHARACTERS, AND BOYS WOULD BE NICE TOO! Ok, sorry, needed that put.And on that note, one of ze new chapterz.


Oh. My. Gods. Tiffany was really mad at me. I'll make sure not to tell 'BOO!' in her ear ever again. Anyways,I took a quick shower and changed into a black sports tank top and black jeans. I put on my black Nike's and finally Puzzler in headband form.

I was walking to the Hermes cabin to go see Tom. Unfortunately,I had to pass the Aphrodite cabin to do that. The cabin door swung open and a set of hands pulled me in.

"Hey! Let me go! I will kill you all!" I said, struggling to loosen the grasp of the children of the love goddess.

"I know you are going to see Tom, so I'm giving you a makeover."one of the girls said. I stopped thrashing around.

"What's wrong with how I look. Black looks good on me, same as red and gray." I informed her. She didn't answer, she just pulled out a huge crate of clothes.

"First of, you're hair is beautiful. You're shape is fine and you're nails are long. You have a pretty face. But, you look super dull. Wearing red, gray and black all the time makes you look dark. Your nails and face are boring. I'm going to give you some brightly colored clothes, and going to fix your hands and face. And, don't worry, I'll have you done before breakfast."she said, then thrusts a handful of clothes at me.

I went to the bathroom and looked at the clothes. She gave me a neon green shirt that said in red lettering 'Mess With Me, and I'll Show My Wild Side' and had a photo of a black leopard under it. For pants she gave me a black skirt (lucky it wasn't tight) with black tights. She also have me three inch soft red, almost pink, heels.

I emerged from the bathroom shyly and modeled the outfit to her. She looked at me and practically squealed with delight at my appearance. She waved me over to her bunk, where it looked like a cosmetic department had hit it.

I sat down on a chair and the girl started to paint my nails red.While they dried, she started on my toenails. After my toenails and fingernails were dry, she added a black French tip on the fingers and gray on my toes.

When my nails were out of the problem, she brushed my hair vigorously. After my hair was soft and completely brushed, she straightened my hair and put Puzzler back on my head. She also put light makeup on my face.

"Close your eyes and stay still." she ordered. I wanted to ask why but I stayed as still as a statue and closed my eyes.

I heard a closet door open and close. She told me that I could open my eyes and move. I opened my eyes and saw a body mirror. I looked at it and saw a girl. The girl was beautiful and had a few scars, but was still stunning. The girl was me, Allison Amilia (A-ME-LEE-A) Austin.

Yea this sucked but I couldn't figure out how to end the chapter. Goodbye my young demigods, the new chapter will be in an hour or in an hour and a half.

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