Chapter XVII- I jump out of a tree

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I could tell Skyler was really mad at me. I had never once, in ten years, have lied to her. I guess it was different, now that I was fifteen. I ran as fast as I could to the Hermes cabin. I spotted Tom out of the corner of my eye and pulled him toward me. I saw Drew glaring at us. I reached up and kissed Tom to show her that he was mine.

Tom looked at me, and immediately noticed something was wrong. He brought me by the camp's magical border. I was glad we were alone.

“What's wrong? Are you shocked that Ares is your father? And have you seen Alex since we got here? I can't find him." he said.  A lock of his salt and pepper hair was covering one of his hazel eyes.

“Skyler is mad at me, I'm the worst person in the world, and I believe Alex was sent to go get another demigod." I said, staring out into the Mortal world past the border.

“You're not the worst person in the world." he was saying. But I was ripping off my headband, willing it into a gleaming bronze sword. I got up and grabbed a shield. “Where are you going?" he said as I was running out of the camp border. But he must've seen what I was doing because when I turned around, he had un-sheathed his sword and was grabbing a shield.

I ran past the border and yelled for Alex so he knew I was coming to help him and the new demigod. The Minotaur was chasing them. The monster was half bull. I charged on the monster, slashing at his thigh. I stabbed at his stomach. I guess Alex was right when he said my ADHD would keep me alive one day when we were taking an archery class in P.E. a month ago.

The Minotaur was getting mad at me. I scampered up a tree like a mountain goat. Then I jumped.

Now,I know you probably think I'm insane for jumping out of a tree fifty or so feet in the air. But listen. While I was going down I had hit the monsters head with my sword pointing downward. It disappeared into dust.

“Ahhhhhhhh." I screamed in a very loud, very girly scream.

I hit the ground and heard a cracking noise. My sword arm exploded in pain. My ankle was obviously twisted. I snuck a look at my arm. It was twisted at such an abnormal angle, I started to black out. All I remembered was Alex yelling as I passed out.

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