Part 5

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The next day soon after I wake up, I get a call from an old friend. My friend Shay and his girlfriend, Liz, want me to meet them back where I used to live. "I don't know, I have cheer practice and some summer stuff to take care of," I tell him into my iPhone. "Come on Mo, we haven't seen you since freshman year and that was because Em made you come," Liz laughs into the phone. I could tell, they were high. "Fine, I'll be there at six," I hang up the phone. I knew where we would be meeting, the secret hideout inside The Forum. I decide to just put deodorant on and I put a change of clothes in my cheer bag. I walk downstairs to my car and put the cheer bag in the backseat. "Mo, Get in here," I hear my mother yell from the doorway. I walk back inside.

"What," I look at her. "I need you to babysit Matt while I'm at work," she orders me. "I can't I have cheer practice," I scoff at her. "I don't give a flying shit if you're meeting the president, you are babysitting your brother," she yells and leaves the house. I hit my hands on the counter hard enough to feel a bruise coming on. I walk back upstairs and tell Matt to hurry up and get in the car. He scurries like a mouse to my car and gets in.

The ride over to the field was quiet and quick. "You can hang inside the school okay? I'll be outside for practice," I tell him and he smiles meekly. Hmm, I'll have to ask him about that later. As I'm getting out of my car, I am greeted by Chelsea. "Hey Mo," her ignorant voice sometimes annoyed me, "Give me 10 laps around the track. You need to get in shape, I don't need a fat cheerleader!" "Excuse me," I smart off, "Maybe you should run too, I don't see that ass getting any smaller." She does a shocked expression. "Do you want off the squad," she asks. I nod my head no and go to the track to start running. I may be a cheerleader but I hate running. I see Henry in the distance watching me run. I try to go faster so I can avoid a confrontation. "Hey babe," he winks.

"I'm not your girlfriend," I quickly smile. "I don't give a shit if you are or not, there's something I want to show you in the school," he says kindly. "Fine, can you make it fast? Chelsea's chapping my ass about everything these days," I laugh. He takes my hand and we travel inside the school towards the electrical closet. "What are we-," I'm soon cut off by his lips meeting mine. I knew what he was going to do. "STOP HENRY," I scream as loud as I can. He kicks my legs from under me so I can be laying on the floor. "I need to put the condom on so I don't get you pregnant," he caresses my face as he lays on top of me.

Henry grabs my arms and puts them above my head. He holds on tight. He takes off my Victoria's Secret undies and shorts. Then his underwear and shorts come off. He then slides his thing into me. I just imagined that everything would go away and I would be okay. I was scared and terrified. My mouth was covered by something he found in there. He continued raping me until the door opened and someone pulled him off of me. "Mo, come on," I hear a voice very recognizable. My brother.

Matt grabs me and my clothes. He puts me into the bathroom so I can put clothes on. After I slide my bottom half of clothes back on, I walk out of the bathroom and hug my brother. "Thank you so much," I whisper in his ear with tears rushing down my face. His hands hug me back. "Your welcome," he softly whispers into my ear. "Mo are you okay," I hear Stacy's voice ask from behind me. I wipe my tears off and let go of my brother. "Yes, I'm fine," I say, "Can you tell Chelsea I'm not coming to practice for the rest of the day?" She nods her head and leaves the school.

"I have some friends to meet from where we used to live," I tell him. "Okay, let's go," he smiles.

We jump back into the car. "About earlier when you were in the car, why weren't you happy," I ask him. "Some kids are bullying me online because of me being gay," he informs me. "Who," I yell. "Chelsea's sister, Lindsay's little brother, some of my friends," he explains. "Damn," I said. I drive towards The Forum.

We park right next to the secret hideout. "Ok these people are most likely high or drunk. Don't take anything," I tell him and his eyes go up in flames. "Then how do you know them," he asks with suspicion. "I was one of them," I say, "I used to be in a dark place."

"Woah does mom and dad know," he asked. "Nope, I hope not," I laugh and get out of the car. "Stay close to me," I order him. "Hey Mo," Shay's excited voice calls
out for me. "Shay, you remember Matt," I introduce my brother. "Hey little man," he giggles. Matt does his freaked out face. "You want a smoke," Liz asked me. "No I'm good," I say, "I just came to say hello." "What about a drink," she asks again. I can't resist it. "Sure but just a sip," Matt looks at me. Liz gives me a bottle and I sip on it. "I knew you'd do the alcohol. Let me tell you something Matty, your sister loved booze back in the day," she spurts out. "Ok, we are leaving now," I tell them. I grab Matt's hand and go to the car. He gets in and so do I.

"Do not tell mom," I order him.

From: Henry
Your brother broke my fucking nose, you bitch!

To: Henry
Serves you right trying to rape some person. You put a bruise on my face.

Henry doesn't respond back. So I just throw my phone in the back. "Let's go home," I tell Matt, "Where did you hit Henry?"

"Well first I pulled him and punched him three times in the face," he tells me. "I think he's going to fine you for his medical bill," I told Matt. "I know, I saw your phone," he laughs. "You little dork," I push his arm and start driving towards home.

When we make it home I see Luna on my porch. "Go inside Matt," I command him.

"What's up," I ask her and sit next to her. "Can we talk in your room," she asks. Weird, but I nodded yes.

We walked up the stairs and into my room. I closed my door forgetting that I'm not allowed to after the incident with Justin years ago, that's a different story. "What's up," I ask her again as we sit on the bed. "I heard about Henry. He's telling everyone that you guys were doing it consensually," she tells me. "God no, he raped me," I told her, "But I sure hope this is consensual."

Luna looks at me confused. I lean in and kiss her on the lips softly. But of course something ruins it.

"Maureen Brianna Taylor," My mom yells out my full name in anger.

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