Part 16 {Luna}

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I said as I hugged her lightly. She loosened up and relaxed some. "I told you she needed you," I hear Matt's voice from behind her. She turned around toward me. "Why'd you send me that text," Mo asked. "I saw you crying and that made me cry so I ran away and," my tears fell down from my eyes and across my cheek. "Luna it's okay," she smiles. "Who did this to you," she noticed my bruises and scars from the attack. "Some old thugs I used to know," I shake my head. Her warm hand touched my cheek. I felt it spark my body up. "Mo-," her lips stopped me from saying more. Our lips just kept kissing and all I could feel was love. "Will you two get a room already," Matt laughs at us. She breaks the kiss and hugs me.

She looks at Matt. "Yes go," he says with shooing hands. She grabs my hand and I find us running out the hospital once again. But I didn't care. All I cared was that I was with her. Her loving aura made me feel safe. She pulled my hand as we kept running out of the hospital. My necklace kept bouncing off my neck every time we ran.

We arrive at this tree. "This is the Giving Tree," she tells me. "Why is it called that," I asked her. "Legend says that in the old days, people used to put presents at Christmas time for young children, but there was an evil spirit who would take them. Then one day, someone abolished the evil spirit and the tree returned to its name, The Giving Tree," she smiles. "Wow," I sound astonished.

"Let's climb it," she starts climbing the tree. I just kind of look at here with weirdness. I've never climbed a tree. Like ever. I was terrified. "Grab my hand and I'll help you up," she reaches out toward me and I grab her hand. "Are you sure this is safe," I yell at her. "You are fine," she laughs a little. "I think I should just stay on the ground and maybe let you do this adventurous stuff up there," I half smile. "Luna get your cute butt up here," Mo yells as I blush.

She pulls me up to the branch she was at. We both were sitting on it. I looked out at the distance after I got over my fear. I saw the sunrise slowly come up as we both just sat there in awe. I saw the pinkness and orange part of the sky. It was absolutely breathtaking.

"So when you were 6, what did you want to be when you grew up," she asked still staring off into the distance. "I always wanted to be a veterinarian or maybe even a dentist, I don't know, I never really thought about it much. You," I ask in return. "Well to be honest, I always wanted to be a lost boy," Mo smiles. "You mean the first lost girl," I ask. "No, lost boy. Just because I have lady parts, doesn't mean I can't be a lost boy," her hand scoots toward my hand. "True. Why do you want to be a lost boy then," I put emphasis on boy.

"I loved Peter Pan growing up, never growing up, magic everywhere, Tinkerbell, Neverland, all sorts of cool stuff. I always thought I'd be the King of Neverland," she started to get excited. "I always wanted to go to Wonderland," I smile as I think of Alice in Wonderland. "You could be the princess of Wonderland," she laughs. "Me? A princess? I guess that could happen," I smile and tilt my head in inquiry.

"Did you ever have an actual profession," I asked her. "I always wanted to be a spy. I never liked girly things when I was little. I was always in the dirt or playing in creeks," she smiled at her past. "What about your family? Cousins? Grandparents? Uncles? Aunts," I asked. She looked down.

"What's wrong? Did I say something," I ask. "No it's not your fault. My family is homophobic and they don't know I'm gay, but I was sexually assaulted by one of my cousins when I was a kid. I've never told a family member, even my mom doesn't know," she had a small tear.

"Don't cry. It's okay. I was raped by an ex boyfriend. He tricked me into believing he was special, but now I see that specialness in you," I hold her hand so she knows she's alright. "You're special to me too," Mo looks at me with something I haven't seen in forever. True love.

"You are truly fascinating Luna Ellipse," she smiles.

"You are truly fascinating too, Mo Taylor," I smile back at her.

"You know what you remind me of," she stares back into the distance. "What would that be," I ask with curiosity. "The sun. You are as beautiful as when it rises and sets. You're as warm as the beams that hit the ground. You truly make me beam up to happiness," her hazel eyes showed sincerity. "You are like the moon you know," I respond.

"How might that be," Mo asks with confusion.

"You shine bright in my darkest times."

"Maybe we are simply meant to be," she says using the must beautiful reference I'm proud to hear. "Jack and Sally," I reply. "Indeed."

"We should probably go to our homes right now," she suggests. "Sadly I agree," I laugh. We climb down the tree and head towards my house. The walk to my house was full of laughter and hand holding.

"I love you and its hard for me to say that because I thought I'd never say it," she says. "I love you too," I respond. My lips feel her kiss them and I could feel the soft touch.

She says goodbye and leaves.

I miss her already. But I do love her.

Hey guys, I just want to let you know that the next chapter is going to be Christmas theme so I will do a chapter based in the future of Luna's and Mo future. So it will have nothing to do with present day.

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