Part 15

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"Matt is going to be okay," his doctor announces as my heart races. "Oh my god," I start crying tears of joy. "He has decided to not exactly die yet," he brings me in a hug. "Thank you for everything," I cry soft happy tears onto his white doctor's coat. My heart slows down and returns to a normal pace. I look around for Luna, but she appears to have gone.

"Can I visit him right now," I ask immediately. "Not yet, little one, but maybe in about a half hour," the Boston accent radiates off the doctor. I nod my head and go back inside. "He's going to be okay," I tell Stacy. She starts crying on my shoulders. I rub her back to make sure she's okay. Stacy lets go and sits down.

"This is all your fault," I turn to my mother. "Me? How is this all my fault," she looks shocked. "Why weren't you watching him? Why can't you just accept us? Why can't you love us? Why can't you ever love anybody but our cousin? Why can't you just ever be there for us," I start yelling at her. "I can't tell when my kids decide to be suicidal," my mother smarts off. "Yes you fucking can if you just read our eyes," I turn away and decide to go look around the hospital.

I see a sign in front of the elevator telling where everything is. I look at the box that says mental ward. It's on level 3. I decide to go. I step into the elevator and press 3 on the buttons. The cheesy elevator music plays in the background as I hear the elevator skip the floors. "Level 3," the automated voice says. I step out and see someone familiar.

"Cole, what are you doing here," I ask him as he stands checking on papers. "Oh my god, Mo! I didn't expect to see you here. I kind of work here. Well volunteer," he shrugs his shoulders. "Woah that's pretty cool, what do you do here," I ask out of curiosity.

"I check on the patients, I give them their medication, and I sometimes pass out food. My mom is like the main boss here, she's okay with me being transgender, but my dad isn't at all. He won't even let her get me a binder," he whines. "Wow that must suck. Can I get a tour," I ask with my eyes batting. "Of course Mo," he laughs.

He walks me around the facility and I see the lunch room, patient quarters, and medication table. He stops at one specific tent. "This is my sister. She has an eating disorder and she cut her face once," he looks at the room depressed. I read the name on the wall. It said "Jenny West" and I immediately had a flashback of the news.

"Jenny West, a 15 year old student West Milton High School, was found in the bathroom making herself barf and using scissors to cut her face. Police found her before she could do permanent damage to herself and she will be taken to a mental ward."

"Your sister is the girl from West Milton, the one on the news," I ask him. "Yeah, she's okay now, the scars are healing and she's starting to eat. Would you like to meet her," Cole asks me. "Sure if it's not too much to ask," I smile. He opens the curtain and I see a girl with brown hair and blue eyes and freckles. She was wearing pajamas and pikachu slippers.

"Cole, did you bring me a friend," Jenny asks with perky eyes. "She just wanted to meet you," Cole smiles, "I'll be back. Just make sure nothing happens to her." Cole leaves.

"I'm Mo," I tell her. "Wow nice name. It must be a nickname. I'm obviously Jenny, if you read the wall outside," I smile at what she says. "What do you like to do here," I inquire. "Well I always await Cole's arrival and on Wednesday's, he comes to play cards with me. That reminds me, do you want to play," she hands me seven cards. "Sure, why not?"

"So why are you up here," the girl with noticeable scars asked. "My brother attempted suicide, but he's okay," I smile. "Interesting, but that's not what I asked. Why are you UP here," she re asks with emphasis on up. "Oh, I was walking around the hospital and decided to come up here," I tell her. "I thought maybe you were a new patient with self harm habits. It's obvious you've got them. I could notice your scars without you lifting your shirt or telling me," she giggles. "How'd you know," I ask. "Being a self harmer myself, I can tell if someone else is just by looking in their eyes," she winks. "Fascinating," I smile. "Cole use to self harm. Before he figured he was transgender. He always had this sort of regret of who he was, so it made him depressed. He once tried to commit suicide by taking street testost-," she gets cut off. "Ok I think that's enough, Jenny," Cole walks in. "I'm sorry brother for telling your life story without your permission," her eyes stare at him. "I'm sorry. It's my fault for asking," I apologize. "No I know you didn't ask because she tells everyone my life story," he starts to get angry. "Cole, it's fine. I'm not going to tell anyone," I touch his shoulder. "Whatever. It's time for you to get out of here. Your brother is awake now," he opens the door for me to get out of Jenny's room. I wave goodbye to Jenny.

"Cole I really am sorry," I try to hug him but he blocks himself and leaves me at the exit of the mental ward. I exit towards the elevator. I press level 1 and the cheesy elevator music plays. I check my phone to see a text from Luna.

I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry for your loss.

To: Luna
What loss?

I walk out of the elevator to find Matt's room. His name in blue letters on the name tag. Stacy had left. My mom went somewhere. My dad, who the hell knows? My cousin and her daughter is probably at home in bed or eating.

I walk towards the door and open it. "Matt, it's me," I smile brightly.

"Mo, I love you"

I start to tear up.

"I-I love you too, Matt, don't leave me"

"Luna deserves you and so do I."

I kiss his forehead.


HEY GUYS ITS ME!!! Yes Matt is alive. I couldn't kill him. He's too sweet and amazing to write. If you go to the previous chapter, I will put a picture of Cole and this chapter will have Jenny before she cut her face.

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