Part 18

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My alarm clock rings in the morning as I wake up to get into the shower to wash my hair. I turn on the hot water and the shower head. I noticed something. No new scars. I haven't cut since I started dating Luna. I guess I had found something that made me happy. I continue washing my hair with shampoo. There wasn't much to wash anymore since my hair was cut by them. I was adjusting to the short hair. It was something new. I washed all the soap out and open the shower curtain. I grab my towel and start drying my hair with the towel. I dry my body. I step out of the shower and dry my hair with the hairdryer. I brushed my hair and went to go pick my clothes. I found a Black Veil Brides shirt and jeans. I decided to wear that.

So I grabbed my underwear and bra. I put them on and then my clothes. I put my black sneakers on. I usually keep a granola bar in my room for breakfast so I found that in my back corner. I ate it then washed my teeth. I grab my backpack and leave the house. It's 5:30. I wanted to go visit Matt in the ward.

I drive to the hospital.

"Here to see Matt Taylor," I tell the doctor. He nods and I'm taken to the room where you are allowed to see the patients. "Hey Matt," I hug him tightly. "Mo I'm so happy to see you," he hugs me back. "How are you," I ask him. "Im doing good. I've been eating and doing plenty of activities to make me happier," he tells me. "I've been good. Luna's mad at me though," I inform him. "What did my sister do now," he laughs. "I told her I wanted to get back on the cheer squad. She however didn't take it very well," I admit. "Well no wonder. I'd be mad at you too," he looks at me, "You don't need to be with them to feel like a cheerleader. Why don't you just cheer on your girlfriend? She needs you more than the cheer squad." I smile at his brilliance. "You are right but you don't understand, I love cheerleading more than anything. It's been my passion since we were little kids, Matt. You wouldn't give up your passion would you," I start my angry face. "No need to get angry at me. I would give up my passion if it meant losing my morals. You always hated that you had to be a grade A major slut just to stay on the squad," Matt says. "I'm so sick of everyone telling me that cheerleading is always a slutty sport. Yes, guys tend to make us seem slutty, but that doesn't mean we are. Cheerleading has made me an inspiration to some of the closeted gay kids. If being on the cheer squad helps people want to come out, I don't see why its so bad to go back on the squad," I give him my point.

"I just want you to be happy. I just want you to be who you need to be so I can see the smile that disappeared after you started cutting. Maybe you can write a book on it, but we all care about you and don't want to see you get tortured again," he grabs my hand and I feel the coldness radiate from him. It reminded me of Luna. She was always cold. She'd grab my face in the morning and it felt like I was being bitten by Jack Frost. I shake my head to focus back on Matt. "I'll see how today goes and then I'll decide on what to do," I attempt a deal. "Fine I can deal with that," he smiles. I look at the time to see  its 6:45. "Oh good lord, I better get to school," I laugh. Matt and I hug before I exit the meeting room. I leave the hospital and get in my car. I need to find Luna. I drive to school to see her bus let off right when I got there. "Luna, Luna," I yell her name about five times. She finally hears me, so we stop at these lockers to talk.

"What do you want Mo? I'm not really in the mood to talk to you," she says. "I choose you. I want to cheer for you. I want to be with you, I want to always be there for you. I love you and we go together like heat and cold," I hold her. I do mean what I said, but I haven't made up my mind about the cheerleading tryouts. She smiles and laughs. "I love you too, Mo," she says as she kisses my cheek. "Well, I better get to class since your class is this way and mine is that way," I say as I blush and she giggles. "Of course, darling," she kisses my cheek once more and leaves as I stand there blushing. I go the other way and bump into someone. "Well, you little whore, looks like you've moved on from our boyfriends to you precious little Luna. Hmm, not a good choice," Chelsea's snake of a voice shrivels my spine. "What do you mean by that," I inquire. "Well Matt's not here, she's smaller than us, and we are about to make it where you can't scream," I look at them with confusion. Then, I saw Henry with tape. He took a piece of tape and stuck it over my mouth. I look at Chelsea, Henry, and some of the other girls of the cheer squad. They take me into the bathroom that has a door lock on it. the push me to the ground as they locked the door.

"You actually thought I was serious about letting you the cheer squad? You aren't that talented to begin with. The only things you are absolutely good at is hiding secrets and getting yourself beat up," she laughs maniacally. I start to tear up. "Oh are you going to cry, you little baby," Henry hits my head down and I hit the hard floor. I felt the blood trinkle down my face. Chelsea grabs my wrist and pulls it up toward her to show everyone. "Look guys, the baby cuts herself. Hilarious. No wonder you and that no good Luna like each other," she throws my wrist down hard on the floor and it bruises. I scream in pain, but it is muffled by the tape. Chelsea kicks my stomach two times before I feel someone stomp on my back hard. All I could think about was getting out of here and Luna holding me. But my thoughts were soon over as someone punched me in the face. I keep crying. "You were nothing but a little whore that I could replace anytime," Chelsea grabs my hair and makes me stare at my attackers. She just keeps kicking me and punching me. All the pain swallowed my body. I'm sure by now that my body is bruised everywhere. Then, everything stopped. No more kicking, no more punching. "If you tell anyone it was us, I will do the same thing to Luna, but a whole lot worse," Chelsea spits in my face. Everyone exits and leaves me there. I reach up to my face and rip the tape off, releasing a quiet scream.

I just sat there and punched the floor. How could I be so stupid?

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