Part 9

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"Let me see my damn girlfriend, you bastards," I keep yelling at the one way mirror in the interrogation room. I was still in handcuffs so I was hitting my shoulder against it. I hear the door open and see a cop come in. "Will you quiet down if I let you out of handcuffs," he says. "Fine," I agreed because my hands were starting to hurt. He takes them off and leaves. Now I'm still stuck here.

After 15 minutes, I hear the door open with a voice very loud. "Where the hell is my client? Why have you locked her up all day? She's only fifteen for God's sake," my parent's lawyer, Linda Shackleby, is coming. "Linda," I question. "Yes I'm here. You shouldn't be so surprised," her so southern voice became annoying. "Why am I here," I ask. "You snuck out of a goddamn hospital," she rolls her eyes at me, "But since the district attorney and your mom are best friends, your not going to get charged as long as you part your ways with that girl." She just keeps smiling. "That's not fair to me. I love her," I told her. "So. Wouldn't you rather get out of here," Linda smarts off. "No," I quickly respond. "You're going to do it because your mother is willing to kick you out for good," her stern voice says. "K lets get it over with," I say.

Linda and I walk out of the interrogation room towards Luna's cell. I was anxious, sad, upset, and all kinds of depressed. I didn't want to hurt her. I loved her. Why would I just ruin everything like this?

"Mo are you okay? What are you doing? How are you already out," Luna's sweet voice says as we come to a stop at hers. "I never want to see you again. We are over. I don't like you," I say with tears forming in my eyes. She looks at me with teary eyes and a frown. I leave with tears overflowing my face.

"You'll get over it, it's just a high school crush," Linda grabs my shoulders. "Don't fucking touch me, okay? I loved her and you guys just let me ruin it," I yell slapping her hands away from me. Before she could speak, I get in her car. Soon after she enters it and starts the car. Our car ride which seemed like forever, was very silent. When Linda reaches my house, I run inside up to my room without looking at anyone's face.

"Mo, it's Matt," I hear on the other side of my door. "Come in," I say muffled because I'm laying on a pillow. "Mo, I heard what they made you do in order to get out of the jail," he touches my back. "What did you have to do," I ask. "They found out I had a boyfriend so they made me end it," he says sadly. "Why can't they be accepting of who we love," I ask. "Because they aren't different," he says. I get up and hug him. "Will you sleep in here like we used to," I ask. He smiles with a yes. We lay down on my bed and quickly fall asleep.

-skip to the first day of school-

I have been feeling horrible for the past week. I don't know how to talk to Luna without breaking down and being scared she'll reject what I have to say. It's the first day of school and I've already ruined a life. I missed her and our late night conversations. I try to stop thinking about her as I enter the school with my earphones loud as can be. I walk through F hall to my locker. I put my combination in and open it. I feel someone touch my shoulders and then the touch becomes painful. "Ouch leave me-," I see Chelsea standing in front of me. "Hi Mo, I'm not letting you quit the squad. We all agreed that you're super talented and we need you," she says sarcastically. "I'm not staying on this squad of ho bags loser wannabes," I yell in there faces.

"Just come with us for a minute," Chelsea smiles. I say yes a follow them. Why, I don't know. They lead me to the bathroom where someone pushes me down on my knees. "What the hell," I ask. I hear scissors cut my hair. The whole long part of my hair was gone. On the floor of the nastiest school bathroom. "Have fun with your new haircut," the squad with Chelsea laughs at me as I look in the mirror to see it. The new short hair. I run out of the bathroom.

In my locker, I have a backup beanie. I put it on so it covers my new hair. "Mo are you okay," Stacy runs up to me. "I'm fine. They cut my hair off but I'm fine," I lie. "Ok let's get to our first class," she puts our arms together as we walk into our math class. I see Luna sitting in the second column, third seat. She looks up at me and our eyes stare into one another's. I start to tear up as I sit in the back row and hide my face. I hope I can get through this class.

When class is over, I go out the back door and as I do, Chelsea knocks my stuff out of my hands and onto the floor. Everything falls. "Loser bitch," she says and laughs with humor in her voice. I go to the floor and try to pick up my stuff.

"You need some help," I hear a new voice as they bend down. "Yea thanks," I say. "I'm Rennie by the way," she says. "I'm Mo," I tell her. "I know who you are. The whole GSA knows who you are," Rennie says.
"Why would they know me," I ask confused. "You're the only gay one on the cheer team," Rennie acts excited. "Oh yeah. Except I'm not on there," I say depressed. "You quit," she says immediately. "Yea," I say with a weird smile. "Well you should join GSA. I'm Vice President. I'm lesbian and genderqueer," I was familiar with the terms so I didn't ask. "Oh cool. I might," I assure her.

"You know, now that your not wearing those slutty outfits, you are actually really pretty," she compliments me and I smile. "Thanks. Your cute too," I wink. Rennie smiles and we both walk into our next class, science. We were paired up as lab partners.

After class is over, I walk to my locker and see a note.

"Meet me at Connie's Burgers after school. We need to talk. -Moon," it said. I kind of figured who it would be but I decided I should go anyways.

Now my feelings were confused.

Rennie or Luna?

Luna is the one I have more stuff in common with.

Rennie's pretty funny and makes me laugh a lot.

I hate feelings.

Authors note

Hi guys! The picture attached is Rennie. Hope you enjoy.

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