Part 13

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Cole and Rennie look between me and my brother. Confused, very confused. I smile slightly. I grab his hand and pull him to the side. "What's wrong," I grab his face with both of my hands. "I went to go check out in Hot Topic and Alec said he would wait over in this section. Then I got finished, went to go look for him and found him snuggling and kissing this other guy," his eyes just started tearing up and overflowing. "Matt, I love you," I hug him tightly. Slowly, his arms grab me.

"I promise you it will be okay," I assure him. "How the hell would you know? Don't give me that bullshit! You cut yourself almost everyday and yet I can't. Your such a hypocrite," Matt yells. I sigh in shock as he walks away. My eyes start to tear up. "You okay," Cole's voice asks touching my shoulder. "I think my brother hates me," the tears roll out. Cole put his arms around me, holding my stomach. "It's okay," he whispers in my ear. I felt comforted at the time. I felt like someone actually cared.

I wipe my eyes as Cole lets go. "I better try and get him so we can go home," I look at Cole. "Ok, I'll see you later," he smiles and I walk away.

I look around the mall for hours trying to find Matt. The search turned up nothing. Absolutely nothing. I finally gave up and decided to head home, maybe he rode the bus home. I find my car and start it up. "Damn it Matt, please be safe," I think over and over again. Then a lightbulb goes on in my head. Maybe he's at the yearbook.

I quickly speed to the hidden place and park near the entrance.

I open the doors to it and look deep down. Nothing. No one. No trace of if he had been there or not. I
leave and head home.

What am I supposed to do now? How do I know where he is, what he's doing? What if he's dead? How am I ever going to live with myself with that happening? He's my damn brother and he's missing.

Once again, I find myself screaming in my car and bashing my hands against the steering wheel. I stop myself realizing that so many purple bruises appear on my hand. I decide to get out of my car and inside my house. My mom sits with my cousin on the couch watching home designing shows. My cousin's daughter sits on the floor in front of them with toys, my old toys to be exact. I quickly walk past them and go upstairs. Something felt bad. A bad vibe was lingering around this hallway. A pressure was surrounding how I should feel.

I see my room open with lights on. The bright light makes me follow into my room. Very timid and scared, I walk slowly into my room. I soon burst into tears. Matt, my only brother, lays on the floor, lifeless. I grab my phone out of my pocket and dial 911.

"This is 911, what's your emergency"

"My brother committed suicide but I don't know if he could still be saved"

"Check his pulse ma'm"

I lean over to his body and place my head over his heart. Up........Down.........Up

"He's still breathing"

"I'm sending the ambulance right away, but for right now, I want to you to give heart recitations. Do you know how to do that? Are you parents home?"

"I do. My mom is home."

"Okay. I hope he will be alright-"

"Don't leave me, please. I'm terrified and I love him so much"

My tears start to come out.

"Ok I will. I promise you he will be okay. What's your name?"


I quickly recognize her technique as she tries to calm me down. While I have her on speaker, I try to give him heart recitations and do CPR.

"Beautiful. Is it a nickname?"


Breath. Breath. Heart.

"What's it stand for?"


"What do you and your brother like to do?"

Tear. Breath. Tear. Heart.

"Umm we go to Hot Topic a lot. We like to ride roller coasters"

"That must be fun"

I hear sirens at my house and the door break down.

"They are here."

We both hang up as the EMT's walk into my room while asking me questions. "Have you gave him CPR? Yes. Have you given him heart recitations? Yes," over and over again. My mom in the background. Barely crying. My face is full of tears. "Who's riding in the ambulance with us," the EMT asks. I raise my hand as my mom says okay. They rush Matt on a stretcher outside to the ambulance. "I'm Steve, you are," the EMT asks me. "Mo, is he going to be okay? I can't lose him," I cry out. "He's swallowed a lot of sleeping pills, but your brother is not going to die today," Steve hugs me with compassion. I pour out all these emotions onto his shoulder as my brother has one of the bag things that blow air into him. This is scary. I'm more scared than walking in that one haunted house we went to as kids. "He's the only thing that I care about more than my phone," I cry out again. "Mo, I promise you, Matt is going to be okay. He's going to live and you guys can go have fun every day," Steve reassures me.

When we finally reach the hospital, Matt is rushed to a doctor as I have to stay out in the waiting room. I don't see my mother. Until she walks in with Stacy. Stacy rushes towards me and hugs me. "Mo, it's going to be okay. I love you so much and so does Matt. He's going to live and see your beautiful face and realize he needs to be alive," she whispers in my ear. I smile slightly as she rejoins my mom while I go outside.

I see a figure right outside the door. Luna.

"Luna what are you doing here?"

"To make sure your okay."

"I am fine," I say as tears just keep pouring out of my hazel eyes.

"No you're not," she approaches me with a hand in mine.

"You're right," I reach down and hug her.

And without thinking, I slowly place my lips on hers. A sensational kiss.

After the kiss broke, I fall the the ground on my knees. 

My hands stay on the concrete until I say, "I'm such a selfish asshole."

Luna's leaves her hand on my shoulder until it's gone.

Like she vanished.

How did she know Matt attempted suicide? Who told her? Stacy. Probably.

I feel another hand on my shoulder. Not one from the front but one from the back. "Ms.Taylor, I'm Matt's doctor and I have some news. Matt is-," a deep voice starts off.

Hey guys! Long time no update! Sorry I had to leave you guys at a cliffhanger. But have fun figuring it out. Mwahahahahahahaha

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