Part 6

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"Mom, you don't need to freak out," I try to calm her down. "My daughter just kissed a girl of the same sex and she's straight," she yells. "No I'm Pansexual and I will always be pansexual," I yell knowing she forgot. She walks closer to me and closer. "You are heterosexual no matter what you say you are. I knew when I found your white shirt with blood on the sleeves that something was wrong with you. Are you trying to make the wrong name for yourself," here she goes again always telling me to not label myself in high school. "You wouldn't understand! Just leave me alone," I scream at her. She leaves the room slamming the door loudly. I fall to my knees. "Mo, are you going to be okay," I feel Luna's hand touch my shoulder. I was feeling my anger so much. "Get off of me," I whisper hoping she can hear. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better," I feel her hug me. This is not what I wanted at the moment. I had rage everywhere. "Get the hell away from me," I yell looking at her with craze in my eyes. Luna puts a sad face on, grabs her bag, and leaves out the door. I get off the floor and go into the shower. While the water heats up, I grab my blade that had once been pulled out of a pencil sharpener. I bring it up to my hips with the tip touching the skin. The sensational feeling of the skinny blade gliding on my skin made me feel better. A whole lot better.

When I step into the shower, I feel the hot water sting my newfound cuts. I wash my hair and condition it. I reach for my towel and wipe my body so the water is dry enough. I towel dry my hair. I put on some cheer shorts and a cami with a jacket. "Hey Shay," I call Shay from my phone, "anyway we can meet somewhere close?" "Woah totally Mo," he says through the phone. "Bring alcohol," I say reluctantly. I hang up and put on some tennis shoes. I grab my car keys and leave my house. Shay texted me an address to go to. I followed the instructions on how to get there. I look out my front window and see a run down building that might have been a factory or a really really big house.

276 Appleby Lane, Roswell, GA 30075

Then the news flashes into my mind. "Four women dead in an abandoned warehouse in Roswell, GA. One was 16, One was 15, One was 19, and one was 18. All four women were brutally murdered by a pick ax after being raped by a suspect the police have yet to identify. More coming up next."

I shake my head and get out of my car to see Shay greet me. "Hey Mo, so glad you finally want to join us," he hugs me and grabs me a beer. "Why are we meeting here," I immediately ask him. "Why do you care," he laughs. "Four women died here," I inform him. "That's what makes it cool. It's day time. No killer kills people during the day," he says in a duh tone. I roll my eyes and drink my beer. By the time we walk inside, I finish my beer and grab another one. I set it down on the table to dance for a couple of minutes. Liz, Shay, and a couple more people were there. I recognized and ex friend named Mark. He started dancing with me. When the song finished, I grabbed my beer. "You know what I fucking hate, the fact that my mom think she can tell me whatever the fuck she wants me," I'm pretty sure I'm either drunk or something else right now. We all laugh. Then Mark, Shay, and another boy I've never seen before whose name I later learned was Xavier, grabbed me up and put me on this table that had been left here. "What's-Whats happening," I stutter. "I've always wanted to do this," Mark laughs as he takes off my shorts and underwear. Immediately I start screaming. They put on condoms. They notice my cuts. "This ones a cutter? How disgusting," Matt yells.

"HEEEEELLLLLPPPPP," I yell for any of the girls to come help me. They were in on it. They didn't care. "We never liked you," Liz hits me in the face. All the other girls started slapping me and punching me. I cried and before I passed out, I saw everyone leave.


Before I left, I listened in on her. "Hey Shay," she says, "Can we meet somewhere close?"
Then I heard her say to bring the alcohol. She must have already hung up because her footsteps were coming closer to the door. I hide in the closet. She leaves. I decide to get her brother and tell him.

"Matt Matt Matt, I think your sister is going to go drink alcohol," I barge into his room. "What, why would she? She said she would never do that again," he says hysterically. "She's meeting someone named Shay," I told him. "Holy shit. We have to get Stacy to help us," he yells. We both run down the stairs without his parents staring at us. Since Stacy's house was a couple blocks, we ran towards her house and rapidly knocked on the door.

"STACY," I yelled banging on the door. I hear footsteps rush down the stairs. "What," she opens the door. "Mo might be in trouble," I say. "What, how," she says surprised. "She called up her friend Shay and said bring the alcohol and I'm not so sure where she is going," I say very fast. "Oh my god. Dammit. She said she'd never go near him again," Stacy brings her hands up to her forehead. "Who is he," Matt and I both ask. "Her ex-drugdealer," she informs us. My eyes go up in shock and I get scared. "Does she owe him money," I ask. "Sort of, not really. In his mind. She rejected him sex and so he wants that in return of money," she informs us. Still shocked. "We need to find her before it's too late," I say. "I have a tracking app for her phone and I might be able to find her through that," Stacy says, "We got it installed in case me and her are roommates in college."

We all pack into Stacy's little bug. I sit in the backseat.

Before it got too dark, we finally got a bing off of a cell tower. It was at an abandoned warehouse. "Let's go in there," I say. We run towards it, but find the car near Stacy's. Then not slowly after, we found her phone in the mud. We use our flashlights on our phones and we cautiously walk into the warehouse. Step after step, then I see her on the ground passed out. "Found her," I yell to the others. "Call 911," Matt yells.

"Hello this is 911," the operator says. "My friend, I don't know if she is passed out or dead. Please just come save her," I cry into the phone. "Ok what's the address," she asks. "I don't know but it's an abandoned warehouse," I tell her when Stacy whispers it in my ear, "267 Appleby Lane, Roswell, GA." "Help is on the way," she says.

I hold her head up on my lap. "You really like her don't you," Stacy asks. Matt looks up. "Yes I do," I tell them. "Don't let her break your heart or you break hers," Matt says. I smile and nod. Seconds later, I hear the ambulance sirens and cop sirens.

"What's wrong," the medic comes storming into the room. "I don't know we found her like this," I told him. They put her on a stretcher. I go in the ambulance and so does Matt. Stacy tells the police that the other car is Mo's. It was a long ride to the emergency room. "What's your relationship to the patient," they ask me.

I didn't know what to say so I said what came to mind.

"I'm her girlfriend."

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