Part 17

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"Well the square root of 144 is 12 so that would have to mean 12 + the square root of 100 would equal 22 resulting it being an even number," I start rumbling about math again as I had to do the problem on the board. I turn around towards my AP Calculus class as they look at me with crazy eyes. "Good job, Ms.Taylor," Mr.Perozzi claps as I go sit back down in my seat. Third row, first seat. In front of a girl who constantly chewed gum, it became kind of hard to focus. I felt something cold and sticky touch my back. "That'll teach you for being too smart, nerd," Melinda Wazinski, the gum chewer, laughs as she puts gum on my back. Everyone around her laughed. It was really embarrassing. I reached to my back and grabbed the gum off my back. "At least I have a future," I turn around and put the gum straight in her blonde hair. She freaked out and the teacher finally turned toward us. "What is the problem," Mr.Perozzi looked dead at us. "She put gum in my hair," Melinda yelled in disgust.

"I find that hard to believe," he laughs, "Melinda, go clean that out of your hair and be more careful next time." She leaves the room angrily. Mr.Perozzi winks at me. He was always my favorite teacher. I focused back on the notes we were taking. After awhile, I start doodling in my notebook. I draw a sun with the moon in it, representing my girlfriend and I. Luna and I decided to go steady after spending time in the tree. Matt is currently recovering in the hospital still, they are planning to release him from the mental ward next week. It's been pretty lonely without him at home. The doctor found out about my self harming and gave me a prescription for antidepressants. However, that's not the only thing I miss. I sure as hell miss cheerleading. It did make me happy besides all the people and slutty outfits.

"Hey, Mo? Earth to Mo," Alan taps me. "Oh sorry, day dreaming again," I get up out of my desk to walk out with him. "Wait Mo, I wanted to talk to you," my teacher stops me. "Yes Mr.P," I ask. "I was wondering if you would want to be recommended to this math camp at Harvard over the summer," he says. I knew exactly which one he was talking about. Harvard Math for Elites over the Summer. "Umm yeah I would love to go, that's been my dream for years now," I get excited. "Good, I'll make sure to recommend you and I know you'll definitely get in," he says. I smile. I wave goodbye and leave the classroom with happiness. "What was that all about," Alan looks at me.

"I might be going to Harvard over the summer," I smile in excitement. "Well okay, I hope you have fun with that," he looks at me weird. I feel something grab my hand. "Hey babe, what's up," Luna asks. "Just nothing," I keep smiling. "Apparently she's going to Harvard over the summer," Alan laughs. "Oh really? Isn't that the really good school," she asks. "Yeah. It's a math program in the summer," I inform her. "Gross. I hate math," she laughs. At that moment, all I could do was admire her smile. It truly made me smile more than her.

"See you later," I kiss her cheek and start to head to my class. "Wait Mo," I hear my name being called by Chelsea. "What do you want now," I ask rudely. "I know you hate me, but I want you to try out for the cheer squad," she says sincerely or what appears to be sincere. "Why," I inquire. "We need a good cheerleader and you are one of the best," she smiles, "Consider it at least. They are next Tuesday."

She leaves and I spend the rest of the day wondering if I should get back on the cheer team. It wouldn't be so bad. Just ignore Chelsea and the rest of them and I can be national champion again. I don't know at this point. "Mo you look flushed," Stacy says. "Just thinking," I respond. Stacy didn't quit the squad simply because she plans on getting a scholarship for cheerleading. She smiles and looks away.

I had a tough decision to make and I honestly didn't think Luna would like that I have to make it in the first place. Her and I were hanging out this afternoon. "Hey, Mo," I hear Rennie call my name. "Hey what's up," I ask. "Nothing much. Hear about you and Luna, cute couple," she compliments. "Thanks. You and Jen are cute too," I said. She recently got with Jen Myers. A panromantic asexual. Rennie complains about her sometimes but otherwise she really liked her. Better than her last girlfriend, but we won't get into that. That's for another chapter.

"You okay," I ask her. "I guess. Having some problems with Jen," she says. "What's wrong," I inquire. "She won't give me any room to open up to her. All she ever talks about is fandoms and she won't ever let go a little bit," she complains. "Well you got to understand and then tell her how you feel," I tell her. "That makes sense I guess. I'll see ya later," she leaves. Okay then.

Luna and I decided to go to Alan's house because he has a basement. "I'll be upstairs. Text me if you need anything," he says. I nod.

"Ok so I have to tell you something, and I need you to promise me you won't get mad," I start off. "I'll try," she admits. "I'm considering trying out for the cheer squad next Tuesday," I inform her.

"You what," she yells. "You said you wouldn't get mad," I said. "That's before I knew what it was! You expect me to let you put yourself back into that environment where you were constantly tortured," she keeps yelling at me. "Why are you yelling," I ask. "Because that's a huge deal. You don't need to be with them. You said it yourself that they were terrible people that you didn't want to be near them," she screams. "Luna, cheerleading makes me happy," I smile. "I understand that, but putting yourself in torture is worse," she says. "But that shouldn't matter," I tell her. "Yes it should! They hurt you every time," she yells at me.

"Come on, sit down and let me explain," I ask of her. "You're letting that evil bitch back into your head! Can't you see that," she yells at me. "No I'm not, I'm making a decision for myself," I yell back at her. "You're aggravating me! She knows how to control you," she throws a pillow at me. "Babe, please," I get up and try to grab her hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she kisses my cheek and exits the room. "Luna, I love you," I whisper.

"Woah what happened between you two," Alan asks as he walks downstairs. "I pissed her off, that's all you need to know," I tell him.

I grab my stuff, go upstairs, and leave his house.

I had to figure a way to convince her.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the Christmas edition chapter! I had a great time writing it. I'm thinking of doing a sequel to this book, hopefully. Maybe senior year. I don't know. But thanks for reading. I guess it all depends if you guys want me to.

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