Chapter 5: The Mission 3

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'So, how do i look?' I said holding out the sides of my short dress. It was typically short but to me anything that was a few inches above tge bottom of my knees was short. To make things worse, Tonny kept looking at me from top to bottom with him stuoid mouth open. 'Urggh' i rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag. 'Lets just go' By the time i reached his car, he was still standing by tge door like a confused donkey. I honked the car. He ran after. 'So, where are you taking me?' '..its a surprise remember.' 'Remind me next time to say i hate surprises.' The journey was filled with a comfortable casual talk. Somehow i couldnt get my mind off the car that was watching me. 'Earth to Ivory' 'Eff you man, you know i hate that.' 'Remind me again to ask why you hate your own name.' I rolled my eyes at his gesture. We finally arrived at what looked like a market place filled with lots of people. 'Oh noo, you know i hate crowds' 'Exactly, thats why it was a surprise.' We walked to what looked like a festival dance show. Usually you would expect Texas folk to like food trucks but this, this was waay bigger. I cant believe im saying this, but i kinda enjoyed it. Next thing you know, i was doing whatever i was doing where my body was moving side to side, i think thats what they call dancing. I dont remember tge last time i danced..probably when i was still a baby. Whatever it was , it felt good. Tonny kept ogling me and whenever i caught him, he'd turn away, try something better than that officer. Before i knew it, my hair was down. I rushed to find my hair band, i never really liked letting it down...literally. Being a red head with grey eyes was not so sunshiney. It had its cons, ie, getting uncomfortable stairs from people. Being looked down upon after being considered, too pretty to be tough. I hated that. Its one of the things that made my journey into cop life a living hell. Anyway, i luckily found it. As i was about to pick it up, a gunshot sound was heard. Thats when the human brain got activated into berseck mode and  telling people to calm down sounded like a curse. I signaled Tonny and in a sec, we were in cop mode, guns ready. This dress wasnt so bad after all. We followed the sound of the shot which practically meant going exacty where people were running away from. It didnt seem like a crime zone at all, one thing came to mind, false alarm and distraction, but to distract from what. Within a sec i saw three men running out of a goody shop with money bags. 'Seriously' i said and Tonny and i ran to the shop. With the signature phrase. 'Stop in the name of the law!' Goddammit i hated that, i mean they could have made up some other catchohrase, which didnt make police work so cliched. Anyway, the men stopped. 'Hands up' i said with a voice noone could recognise if they disnt no m that well. The folk at base always said,'You sound like a an angry lion transformed from a cat,  meow to roar in short.' It worked though,  but something was always fishy with criminals, before i could think about what tge catch was, the guy who was at infront of Tonny drew a firearm and fires it at me. It felt like it was happening in slow motion. I wanted to dodge it but this wasnt any Terminator movie. I saw it coming right at me, to my head, and in that split second, i felt a sudden push and i missed it. Before i could make any sudden comprehensions, i saw all the three robbers going down with blood out of their heads. Ok, i think we should take a nap now, but before that, i saw a blur of the person who saved me. Lightsout!

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