Chapter 7:The Mission 5

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In another part of the country..
A black McLaren pulled over, accompanied by 8 SUVs, four on either side of it. The cars pulled over a runway, where a private jet was grounded. A man in full black suit got out and a parade of  guards followed him.
'So whats the plan?' Asked Burnley, his right hand man and , uncle. The man didnt respond, instead he lay still with his head against his seat. 'No plans.' Burnley almost chocked on his wiskey, which set his boss opening his eyes. 'Any problem?' He asked , clearly pissed. '..uhh no..i was just wondering how you wouldnt have a plan when time is movng fast.' 'Thats not for you to worry Burnely.' Yes, he addressed his own uncle by his first name. In business there was no time for family norms. Burnely knew better than anyone not to mess with his nephew. Tge man went back to his position and resumed his day dreaming. He stilled hadnt figured what exactly about tha girl gave him an adrenaline rush. His eyebrows then suddenly frowned. He cletched his fists when a certain imagine came to his mind. 'He fuckin touched her.'...

Back in Texas

Tonny and i were still baffled about the day's events. This was supposed to be a nice Saturday outing. They dont trip when they say 'an officer is never off duty.' We quickly paced into base Captain Harvey was on a phone call, it seemed pretty important. 'Good to see you're fine' i nodded. 'Ok, i here that the robbers were shot dead, simultaneously in the same position, but not by a police fire arm. Care to explain?' 'Well, sir, we didnt notice any other people at that scene, except the running individuals. Unless maybe it was another robber who killed his own to save his skin.' 'Huuhhm, great theory, but the was in which they were shot shows that tge person, or people, are highly trained, and those were just petty thieves.' 'Pettt thieves who almost shot a cop.' Tonny fjred, clearly unhappy. Captain ignores him. 'Speaking of which, tell me more about the oerson who allegerdly saved your life.' '..well, i woyld if i knew about him. He left none of his details, i even tried to find out but, it was futile. But why would e want to know about him?' ' thsnk him of course.' 'Are you able to describe him.' 'Aint there CCTV footage at the hospital, we can see him from there' 'Another great theory, just that, strangley, all tge footage of that afternoon is missing, onky that.' Ok now this was weird. What was mire weird, the way the caotain empasized tge words looking directly at us. I kinds felt like i was being accused. 'Rest asshred sir, we had nothing to do with it.' Looks like i wasnt the only one. 'I never said you were.' In the nick of that tensinuous time,  Rooster badged in.'Sir, we got a knew lead on The Night Shadow. Ohk, what tge fuck. Last time i checked, we were 'lying low' on this one. I looked at Chief with my death stare. 'Dawson, Cortenji, you may leave now.' I really wanyed to dispute but Tonny held mu hand and oulled me out, leaving beaks and Rooster to tslk about a case i was equally, if not more interested in. 'What tge hell was that!!' I cursed smacking tge punching bag. 'I am also as mad as you are.' 'I get that he doesnt like me, but why tge hell he gotta leave us out like that, its so bloody unfair!' If there was anything i hated tge most, was, being underestimated, excluded, and discriminated. 'Look lets just let it go Ive, we have better things to do, like findi ng out about that mystery man and tgs guns.' I cant promise i was listening cause my mind went very far. With my forehead against the wall, i closed my eyes and something came to my mind. Something Captain nor tge others sould ever imagine. Knock off time came, and i didnt wait to hear Tonny's insomnia boosting talks. I went straight to my 'lab' and openes my laptop. I hadnt gotten the chance to see what was on the USB, but what i saw shocked me to my death. The department had been secretly gathering info on the Night Shadow all this time. They had actually gathered a lot of useful evidence. But why would they hide it, one answer. The was a mole and whoever it was, was being trapped. I scrolled down to see the last places he had been known be, but still, no face. This person was practically invisible. Just then, my phone beeped, it was an email from captain. Finally he had gotten the name to share with us all. 'Mission Night Shadow is a go.' One thing was for sure, the mole would definitely react, and when criminals react, they always leave behind evidence. One thing was still a bit confusing, the location captain shared was not the same in the records. It seemed like a decoy place, more of a distraction. There was no such thing as a coincidence, everything was always either premedidated..or planned during the events. I replied to the email. 'Ok, get well soon.' Good that was done. Time to put the plan into action..

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