Chapter 6:The Mission 4

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'Father,  what do YOU want to be when you grow up?' '(chuckle) I want to be what you want to be my dear.' 'Well, i wanna be a super hero, catch bad guys and save the world(running in cirlces making aeroplane sounds)' 'You can be anything you want my dear'...
Narrated (There's noway she could have been able to describe this.)
She opened her eyes and gasped for air. A sudden headache hit her and she laid back with a cry. 'Hey, take it easy.' She looked up, it was Tonny. Man was she happy to see him. She jumbed to his embrace, not knowing why but it just felt nice. She had never been that scared in her entire life. The dream didnt make it any easier. 'Am i disturbing anything?' A very deep voice drew us apart. She was even scared to look at who it was. The sound of it gave her goosebumps and she felt hairs at the back of her head. A very distinct scent mixed with a dark aura filled the room.
She finally braced herself and looked up. It was the same guy she had seen before passing out. Looking at him made her want to pass out again but she snapped out of it. The man could only be  described as handsome not beautiful,  pure beauty,  a perfect epitome of masculine beauty. His flawlessly tanned skin made no subration to the image. His messy hair finished the bad boy look. She moved her eyes down his perfectly sculpted nose and his featured face, my goodness, his jawline was to kill for. It was ardoned by his perfect shave. He demanded respect and i felt it, his aura was haunting. He wore a an all black double breasted suit which brought out the dark blue colour of his eyes He stood there with his hands in is pockets like an Olympus god screaming dominancy. He had a stoic expression and the more she stared tge more she could see his impatience. Something about it made her sweat, like she owed him and explanation for coming in to see what he saw. Luckily, Tonny came to her rescue. 'Umm no, not at all, please come.' He neither moved  a muscle nor shook off his glance and she felt her cheeks become pink,  the freckles on her nose became a death trap. She could help but think he actually chuckled about it. It happened in a split second and only a very very observant  person could have seen it. 'So how are you feeling?' Tonny asked back at her, sensing tge tension. 'Yeh, im good thanks. Did tge chief ask about the dead robbers?' 'No, we still need to explain their deaths.' 'But it..' Right then the door got shut closed. The man was closed. She found herself trying to get on her feet. 'Hey wait, you nee..' 'Im fine Tonny, i need to go thank him.' She didnt wait for his response and quickly limped out. One thing about a cop, never give in to your weakness... The man was moving at a fast pace but she caught up to him. 'Wait up.' He was in an elevator and the door was about to shut but he stuck his foot between and waited, guess he wanted her to come after him. She did so and soon, they went standing vis-à-vis and again, his scent has filled the whole lift. She looked up to him, his height had no apology. 'Thank you' thats all she managed to say. 'Are you done?' There it was again, his voice making her blood flow backwards. She couldnt understand if he meant her apology was too short or what. She looked up at him confused like a little big eyed girl. 'Dont do that.' Ok, now this guy was getting on her nerves. She frowned and stood by his side,  pissed. He did it again, he chuckled and she couldnt beat it up. 'Excuse me, if there is something amusing. Please share.' As soon as she finished those words, she regreted it. He shot het a dead look and the whole lift turned gloomy, mixed with his intoxicating scent, it felt like a grave yard. She couldnt help but shiver at that. 'You owe me.' Here we go again, confusionvill.' 'I told you not to do that.' I would stop if yoi effn told me what i was doing wrong. But she didnt dare say that out loud. They finally landed at his stop. 'We'll meet again Miss Cortenji.' He walked out and she was more confused than a pesticide dunked roach. She made her way back to Tonny, goodness she had forgotten about him. He was talking to a doctor. 'Chief is on his way.' Trust a cop to arrive late. 'So , how did it go with mystery man.' 'Honestly, i have no idea what the heck happened.' He laughed. 'Thats how they come.' She couldnt help but laugh too. 'Did you get his name?' 'No, he was as mysterious as he was when he jumped to save you. I didnt even realise what happened.' 'Well, thank goodness you shot those assholes.' 'Thats tge thing, i didnt shoot them.' It took a while for those words to sink in. 'Wait what?' 'Yeh..the ballistics also said it wasn't a cop's gun.' 'So, if you didnt shoot them...then who did?' And the mysteries kept coming...

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