Chapter 15: Knowing Who He Is 1

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I remember my first flight as a little girl. A six year old me looking through the window of the aeroplane. Watching the clouds so close, wishing to just reach out and grab one. The animations i watched had managed to instill a believe that clouds were sweet, like cotton candy. I licked my tiny mouth nodding to my own imaginations. I looked back at my father, who had mother my sleeping on his lap. He raised his finger to his mouth, making a sshh sound. I did one too and looked back at the clouds. 'One day, i will eat you clouds.'

Flight 118 ...'I took off my headphones, which played a tune soft enough for me to hear just enough of my background. I approached the gate and a pretty decent amount of passengers were there too. Was kinda funny how many people can all simultaneously decide to travel on a particular day. Silly, but still.

I tried Tonny's phone for the last time, just before the air hostess came for the third time, asking me to turn off my laptop. And yet, she still managed to say it politely. The differences in all service providers. Well, that was gonna be a long, dull flight. I closed my eyes, drifting off to moments of contemplational trances.

In another part...

Burnely walked into his nephew's office, the young man was in his usual position. He stood there thinking of how to get his attention, without possibly risking his life. ' ‘you  gonna stand there all day?' Burnely jumped in his shoes, his nephew still had his eyes closed. 'Well, i have some news on ...the girl.' He sprung his eyes open and looked at the old man on the verge of passing out. He was getting impatient. 'Speak Burnely!' He ordered in a soft yet authorative 'W..we..well, her signal suddenly shut down. We last picked it an Airport in Texas.' The young man gave him a dead stare, clearly not satisfied with the information. 'The aeroplane was headed Miami..' Burnely cringed to his own skin, bracing himself for the worst. Instead, quite surprisingly, the youngman burst into a deep laughter. It covered the entire room like the devil's guffaw. Burnely could only see his doom but, 'You can go now.' He couldnt believe his ears, he bowed and scrambled out , letting out a huge sigh of relief at his escape.
Meanwhile, the young man, with his head laid back,  looked a picture in his hand. 'Say hie to abuela for me princess.'

'Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Miami, hope you had a great flight.' I opened my eyes, finally. It was already night time goodness.

The busy streets indicated the big different between this place and little Texas. I hiked a taxi, and the driver made me more aware of the change. His speaking rate was questionably high. I thanked my stars when i finally arrived at my hotel. I had checked in already and i was tired as heck. There is a different between closing one's eyes and actually speaking. Again, i tried Tonny's phone and it finally went through. 'Dude, where the heck were you. I've been trying to call for so damm long.' 'Im sorry im sorry im sorry. I was a little busy..' 'A little?' 'Okay,  a lot. Beaks gave me case 54...' 'The prostitution case.' 'Yes ma'am and that case was a lot more than cats in trees.' I giggled. 'When was the last time you actually rescued one?' 'Funny, i did it today.' I laughed even more. Tonny was always the one with jokes. '..speaking of which, where are you.' I stopped laughing,  'nothing much, i just decided to take these days to travel. Im visiting some family friends. ' 'You mean the ones in New York' trust Tonny to have a fast memory. 'Yes those ones, been a while.' 'Ok, say hie to them.for me. Wish i could come too though.' 'You wish, go visit your own in Japan.' 'Ha ha very funny.'  'Catcha later a long day tomorrow.' 'Good night polka dot' I rolled my eyes and disconnected.. Tonny you idiot. I wnet to bed with a smile, now i knew he was safe and i could do this without a worry.

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