Chapter 3: The Mission 1

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Captain Harvey McShawns, the most respected COP of all time. With 30 years work experience and a highly ranked man of his own, he was nothing short of amazing, my hero. We all took our positions and listened with no room for distruction. Rule number 3 of the Police Camp Guide. 'Officers, we have a new rat in the swamps. The Mexican Cartels are back, and this time its worse.' 'Sir, are we talking El Charpo serious or Blanco serious?' 'This is even bigger than any Pablo Escobar and Gallardo.' 'Shit' i cursed. Drug loads were the country's number one criminals. Somehow, they always found a way to perform disappearing acts. Last time the raid gave us a lead but he found a way to get away. La Sombre De La Noche or the English translation,  The Night Shadow. Nobody ever saw him but everyone knew him, ironic right. He was the most feared man , both in the country and outside. What bothered me is the fame he had managed to get after supposedly only being in the business for two years. But then, two years back i marked my entrance into the battlefield. 'I will catch you'...

remembered the years my childhood. I came home crying once as my father fumed. 'Popcorn what happened, who hurt you.' I replied in between sniffs. ' was Collen..he..he pushed me...' I wiped my eyes with my tiny hands, next thing i remembered, he was holding me as we walked out,  going back to where it began. Collen was outside waiting for his parents and father walked to our sensei. I walked to Collen and as any other 6 year old, i statrted talking to him, i had forgotten all about it and we were playing. I guess i was the only one with that thought as a few minutes later, i saw father returning. 'Ivory, Collen, please come inside.' I looked at Collen and he did the same. We walked back inside. Then suddenly, sensei shouted, 'Tatakai no junbi o shite' and like a brainwash code,  we stood in position, ready to fight. The only part of that fight i remember is my father pulling me away from a bleeding Collen who looked unconsious, the day i was banned from that place. The day my father became my trainer...

'Since we still havent found another lead, we will have to lay low for a while bu...'wait wait Captain, with all due respect, i think we should make a move on our last lead.' 'Cortenji, not now. Being reckless is the last thing we want or need.' 'Sir, how is trying to find a criminal reckless,  i mean we can find some tracks, criminals always make mistakes. We just need t...' 'We just need to take some time. Plan out everything.' 'Bu..' 'I wont be hearing more on this. All dismissed. You shall wait to hear from. Is that clear?' 'Yes sir' '...' 'Cotenji, is that clear.' '..yes sir.'
This was the other worst part of the job, not being listened to. We had been planning to set this guy up for 6 bloody months. How much more time did we need. I mean when else were we going to have this lead. It was time to act. I breathed heavily after punching my anger out. Sweat dripping and nerves biting, it felt familiar, like the same that happened to my father. My breathing increased and i knew it wasnt good. I rushed back to my locker and grabbed the inhaler from the bottomest part of my bag, hoping that nobody would ever find it. It had been like this for as long as i can remember. Nobody knew, and nobody would ever know.
Knock off time finally arrived and i was really looking forwards to the weekend rest. Sitting at home enjoying my own company, binge watching the cheesy romance series that people seemed to like these days. I only liked letting the tv play while i think. Again, highly therapeutic. 'Ive wait,' Tonny caught up to me. 'Hey man whats good.' 'Nothing, listen i get that youre mad bout birdy shutting you out like that.' He always knew ho to crack me up. He called Captain,  beaks..when he asnt aroung of course. Dont know why but something about a kids television show. 'Thats the girl i know.' Thanks for that, i was probably gonna have to drink sleeping pills.' 'Not on my watch, you got plans with weekend?' 'Not really, was just gonna chill out at home.' 'Well since you seem free, how about we go do something fun?' 'Oh really, like what' 'It has to be a surprise, so you in?' I wanted to say no but hey, nothing beats a nice weekemd of relaxing. If yiu weren't careful, thia job woulsd drive to nuts before the apocalipse.  'Yes sure why not.' 'Really wow so cool, I'll pic you up tomorrow at 12. Wear somthing loose and breathable.' Oh cmon, he know better tha anyone that i dont wear anutjing else besides a millitary wear collection and lazy day outfits but, i would hear tge end of it. 'Yes sure' 'Bye goodnight' he said and i waved goodbye. He kept turning back like some love sick teenager. Oh well now i have more things on my to do.

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