Chapter 9: The Misson 7

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'I wish you could have been there. ' 'Me too, so did you manage to find the lead.' 'No, was just a false alarm.' Why am i not surprised. The entire effin department had been set up like dumpass kids.' I could have told him bout my little experdition, but no, i couldnt risk it. Not that i didn't trust Tonny, but i didn't trust the people he trusted. I went through the recording over and over again, tyring to pick out something at least. I even did a voice search but no, these were hard core smartass criminals. My alarm then beeped, it was a reminder to collect my medication. Just then, i remembered , Holy Shit! I had lost my inhaler. I searched through all my stuff, turned my purse upside down and found nothing. Then i remembered i had last used it at the warehouse. I almost had a panick attack. What if they find it. No no no, criminals make mistakes, not bloody cops. I knew i couldnt go back to look for it. I needed to make a plan. I went to get a new inhaler at the pharmacy, but, somehow, i felt like i was being followed. This whole spy thing was getting out of hand. My phone rang as i was about to leave the pharmacy. I didnt bother to check the caller ID. 'Officer Cortenji hello' That was the normal way of answering a call when you're on duty. But then, there was silence. 'Hello' 'I heard you the first time princess.' There was something very very familiar about that voice. No, it couldnt be. 'Did you miss me?'
Goddammit, it was him. I found myself dumbstruck, i couldnt even hear the sound of my own whisper. Without another thought, i hung up and drove off. A few seconds later, he called again and i hung up. He did so three more times, then i decided to pick up. Mind you i was still driving. 'Iv..' 'Never do that again' I stepped on my brakes and almost hit a bloody tree. His voice sounded more intimidating that it already is. He had made it more of a threat and i felt down my spine. I couldnt breathe. I reached out for my inhaler, luckily, i had gotten a new one. 'Breathe' oh no, the call was still connected. Was of no use hanging up, my life was in danger. Strangely, something about the way he told me to breathe made me calmer, before i knew it, i was back. 'How can i help you?' Again, he chuckled. Gosh the man. 'Careful there, im not that far away.' I rolled my eyes. 'Is that all?' '...' 'Well, if thats not all, im gonna ask you to hang up i have better things t...' 'Its not very smart to leave your belongings everywhere.' That got my attention. 'Behave, daddy wont always be there to save you' and with that, he hung up, leaving me confused again. Something told me he was behind my sixth intuition about a follower, but i couldnt explain it. Wait, what the hell did he mean by belongings. Anyway, that was gonna have to wait, i got a text from Tonny. 'Beaks is popping get here ASAP.' I sighed. So much for my day off. I made a U-turn and almost immediately, i spotted a familiar car. It looked like the one in my block, but not entirely. There was no doubt. Again, no time for that.
I reached base and surprisingly, everyone was in there. Whatever it was, it was big. A few minutes later, he came in, looking like he had came out of a Raw Interrogation ie messy. I caught a glimpse of a little sweat on his forehead, well that was something. Captain of the PD sweating. 'Im sure you're all wondering why i called you all on such short notice.' Dude like duuh. 'Unfortunately, our lead on The Night Shadow was a dead end, but we got some information, disturbing information.' That caused a lot of whispers. 'It seems, we got ourselves a leak in the department, a spy or rather,  traitor amongst us.'...

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