Chapter 14:Guilty As Charged 2

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'Find him, i want him alive.' 'Yes sir.' Three huge men walked out leaving him in his own company. But, he wasnt completely alone as his thoughts were filled by a certain presence. He laid back twirling a glass of whisky in his hand. 'Sir...' His eyes sprung open in anger due to the unwanted disturbance.  Burnley could clearly see his impatience. He wasted no time. 'We found him.' He signalled him to leave, and resumed to his deep subconsience.
One thing about criminals is, they always return to a crime scene. Either to recheck or to just feel the sensation of getting away with a crime. And thats the reason why i was back here. I first tried to find the angle at which the video recording was taken. It was a deserted place, no car or person would have been there, undiscovered, except an expert. I found it but it still didnt add up. That meant one thing,  remote sensorchip. I moved to go inside. Luckily, i had my police outfit off, one because i had been suspended and two to avoid being discovered. I had my spy outfit on. I had almost forgotten how good it looked on me...
The inside looked better than the outside. Whoever made this place, was very aware of every detail. It looked like an abadoned place under construction or rather, renovation from the outside, but inside, it looked like well built and finished house. I scanned for cameras, both visible and invisible. The room had several doors and one by one, i opened them. Some were locked but 3 years in 3rd grade summer camp taught me to pick a lot more than just my nose. The things women accessories can do....I got to a room that caught my attention. It seemed to be empty, but once i was about to leave, i stumbled my foot on something. It looked like a lock, Bingo! An underground room. I took more pictures of it and braced myself and my weapons. The PD might have taken my gun but my homemade taiser and pepperspray could make a grown ass man shit his pants. The door took no time to open and before i knew it, i was scanning through a room with a stench that could kill a rat dead. Thank goodness i had my mask. It seemed like a torture room. . The bounters on the walls, axes and surgery tables were the perfect proof of the evil that went on here. I took more pictures and just then, my flashlight reflected something. It seemed like a pendant with some initials hanging from it, DR. But it was inscribed in such a way that...that when i shore light on it, it made a unique shadow...NS...Night Shadow. OMG i screamed in my throat . I had the jackpot had hit me..knocked me dead. I took it, with my gloves on obviously. I went through the place the last time and found some more things, i decided to check them at home. One thing i learnt, once you find something you have about a 3 minute headstart to effin leave the place. And i did that, making sure noone saw me. This was the best day ever.
'Speak, unless you want your family to do it for you.' The man gasped for air, his face butchered and barely recognisable. Blood was coming out of his mouth and nose, showing the brutallity he had been exposed to. He was slowly losing his breathe and then, cold water was splashed on his naked body. He could hear faint footsteps approaching as he could barely see anything at all. His torturers stepped back to make way for the boss. He was silent but he could feel the dark aura he emmitted, and it was worse than death. A few minutes later, he felt his hands being untied. His heart skipped a beat, was he being released. His joy was short lived when he felt his hands being immersed in something that felt like water. A few minutes later... His screams filled the entire room. Some looked away while some sae how just ruthless their boss could be. The poor man screamed until he couldnt anymore.The piranhas had tore the flesh on his hand and in the end, he had no hands. Blood dripped as he was tied again, this time by the remainder of his arms
Funny how the day went by so fast, and i still hadnt heard anything from Tonny, but as always, he could wait. I arranged the pictures, and i couldnt help but smile. They might have seized my station but not my basement. And i was glad they hadnt issued a search warrant. I turned to the folder i had seen there. I took out the contents, which looked like letters. I read some but the only eyes catching my eyes was the signature, DR. So whoever this DR was, he was connected to the Night Shadow. I was about to put them back when something dropped. It was a 2×2 inch photo. It looked like a very old photo. Something  that could have been in a wallet or pocket. I turned it and yeh, as i expected. There was a date and address. Goodness, it was quite far, all the way in Miami. Well, i had a few days of my week left, and i had nothing left to lose. Looks like this girl is going for a little vacation. I couldnt leave the country but i could most definitely go to a state 1200 miles away.
'What! What do you mean he's missing.' 'If you dont find him, we are in deep trouble.' 'Yeh...i presume you have that little cop under control' 'Yes, she wont be a problem anymore. You just find Lottis before....he does'
The men drank their beverages in silence, all knowing the severity of the situation.

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