Chapter 8:The Mission 6

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'Rooster and Ferez, you'll take the upper floor, make sure every doorway and exit is secured.' 'Dawson , Cortenji, Thompson and...' 'Sorry Captain, Ivory isnt here.' 'Ohh..yeh she said she couldnt make it, anyway thats all..the rest make sure that there is backup in case things get ugly. Remember, we want this guy  alive. Go go go!!' All the men rushed to their groups, dressed like they were going to a demonstation riot.

Meanwhile in another part...

I could have asked Tonny to come along, but i couldn't risk this one. Considering that the rest of the crew was almost 70 miles away. I arrived stealthily at the location. I had been geared with full protection but not too exposing of my cop nature. The place looked more like a warehouse, perfect hideout  for criminals. The place was occupied. I could see some black cars parked outside. My mind went back to the car i saw in my hood the other day. I fixed out my sound enhancing device and it worked, my gizmo worked. 'You'll have the next shipment next week.' 'Its too far, i want it in three days.' 'If you keep doing that, you wont be getting any shipment.' 'Then you'd have to answer to my boss.' 'Fine, but that means you have to ship back the girls, i want them younger this time.' I gasped and held my mouth to that. What the hell? 'You know my boss doesnt want this right, if he ever found out, we'll be gonners. And you already have 17 to 21 year olds, how much younger do you want, or maybe you want them in diapers?' 'Watch your mouth and listen, i dont give a damn about your boss, and the 17 year olds are now boring, this time, i want 10 year olds, at least.' I literally dropped my gizmo and it made a sound. 'Go check what that was. Are you setting me up?' 'Why would i set you up if im also screwed?' I quickly hid behind some old scraps. My heart beat like heck and i my breathing was getting heavy. I quickly took out my inhaler and it worked its magic. They didnt see me and i took the chance to run for my life. I managed to leave in one piece with a recording. Although i couldnt see the faces, this was going to have to do.

Back at the warehouse

'Did you find who it was?' 'No..but i found this' he said holding out an inhaler.' 'Well what do we have here...any idea who it might be.' 'Im thinking cops.' 'No, they all went to a different location.' 'So who could it be?' 'Whoever it was, they just signed a death warrant.' 'Bomb!' A huge man with a kinfe cut scar that covered a third of his entire face came forward.' 'Get me my phone.' 'What the heck do you think you're doing?' 'He hissed on his phone. The familiar man on the side of it answered. 'What happened. I did what you asked and i guarantee no mistakes this time.' 'Then what the fuck was a person doing outside my warehouse.' There was a moment of silence as the man on the other side was surprised. 'Im not talking to myself. '..of course..but i can assure you, the entire department is off the path so its definitely not one of them.'...'unless...' 'Unless what, dont tell me its another one of those mistakes of yours. If this goes wrong your head is next. '...i..i dont understand though, no it cant be her, one of them didnt come, but shes nothing for you to worry about.' 'A she?' 'Yes, the only female cop, she called in sick so shes not your person. It must be someone else.' 'It better be.' 'Get the trucks ready, shipment will be done earlier, someone saw us and we cant risk it. It has to happen in two days.' 'Buu..' 'I didnt ask for your word old man, and find the spy, or else I'll feed you to my dogs.' And with that he left along with his men. The 'old man' was left trembling in his feet. Not only because of that conversation, but because if the thought that this man wanted a shipment which would usually take 2 months minimum , in only two days. 'You five, go and find out who it was. The rest, go gather the girls , you heard what he said, 10 years at least.'

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