Chapter 18: Meeting Him 1

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I held my tape tight in my pants pocket, making sure it recorded everything. I knew this was coming but i didnt give a fuck. All i wanted was Tonny. 'Where is he?' I said after having had listened to them boasting about thei amazing boss, Diego Romero, the Night Shadow. It had all made sense in Miami, when i had seen his picture. He looked young back then. I regretted the day i let him get away. I clenched my fists, holding back my brewing anger. I wish i had known sooner, i would have blown his brains out that instant. The messages, the phone calls all was to remind myself and him that he had gotten away from right under my nose. He had pulled the wool over my eyes, over the entire PD's eyes. And that mole, the reason he was always ten steps ahead. But i was too close to blow it, i wanted more proof , the cherries ontop tha would guarantee him a juicy death sentence . 'I came here, now show me where he is.' 'Easy there princess, the fun just began. Come along.' He said filled with reeking smug, I had to hold my breath. He led me to the other part of the warehouse, the part i had found the pendant. I scanned my eyes hoping i could find Tonny, somewhere , anywhere. 'I dont have time for your shit, tell me where he is now.' I was getting impatient. For all i knew, he could be in serious need of help. 'Ok, seems someone has a hard time having fun... Look, there he is, your prince charming.' He opened another door, and i had to adjust my eyes to the pitch darkness. I staggered into the room and the smell of blood and human waste stung my eyes and chocked me. The moment i spotted Tonny, i ran, ignoring whatever it is i stepped on or got stuck under my shoes. He was still hanged by his arms, barely breathin. I found myself screaming his name. 'Untie him!!' I screamed but the henchmen took their sweet time untying the bounds. His entire weight descended upon me and i struggled to get him off. I lay him on his back and slapped his cheeks to wake him up. I couldnt even hear the sound of my own screams nor feel the flow of my own tears. My eyes became blurry as i tried to wake him up but he didnt respond. 'Tonny wake up please...Tonny!!!!' I held him as close as i could hoping he would wake up. A few moments later, i felt slight breaths. 'Tonny' i called and i saw his eyelashes  flattering. He tried to move his mouth. 'Somebody get water please.' At this point i took my phone and dialed the hospital. 'Hang in there, its gonna be okay, the ambulance is on its're go..' He held my hand as if stopping me. '' 'Ssshh no no no no, please, just hang on' 'You've always been in my heart polka dot' 'Tonny please...' 'Take care of yourself for me....(cough) I'll be looking.' He made a faint smile. His face was filled with blood, fresh and dried. I wipped some of the blood off. 'I love you Tonny' '...I know polka dot, who would resist my charm.' I couldnt help my smile at his flivolity. Even on his death bed, he always found a way to to bring a smile on my face. We looked at each other, hoping that moment could last longer. 'I cant believe Bea.' '..' Suddenly, there was loud banging sound of gunshots and the men came running. I looked up at them in perplex. They suddenly held Tonny and dragged him off me. I tried to fight them but i couldnt.I took out my gun,  'Let him go or I'll shoot.' The Javier guy walked in,  'Fun's over princess, its game time. The big boss is on his way,  and he's orders are to keep the prince charming for a little longer.' That was it, 'Where is he, tell him to fucking show himself to me??!!.' 'Im afraid you have to wait a little longer. But for now, he's coming with us. Hope you said your last words.' 'No...noo.ple...Tonny!!' In the next instant, i took a shot aimed at Javier and it went to his arm,  'Shit!' He cussed and a henchman tried to shoot him but i shot him first, execution style. I ran after the othera while they tried to drag both Javier and Tonny, another man came from behind me and knocked me out.

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