Chapter 16:Knowing Who He Is 2

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'I hope you received the package.' 'You monsters, how could you do that to a poor man' '(laughs) Good, that means you got it. Now you know not to mess with him.' 'Im not afraid of him.' 'Oh yeah, then maybe we should send the next package with your wife along with it next time.' 'Dont..' 'You have 3 days remaining.'
The middle aged man seized to wipe the sweat from his face, 'daddy come look.' The joyful voice of his daughter interrupted his thoughts as he looked on at his happy family, wondering if they will be the same once he's gone...

Miami 1O1

I woke up to the familiar sound of birds chirping indicating the beginning of yet another day, then it struck me, i had three days remaining. Getting used to a new place was one thing. Finding out about a notorious gangster was another. So, i set out to find it. The streets of Miami were definitely not the same as the ones in Texas. These were next level crowded. I had to get myself through the crowds without looking like a weirdo. Crossing roads at a pace five times faster than your normal legs can move. I heaved a sign when i got into  taxi. Luckily, this driver wasnt as tormenting as the other, he was a little too quiet, but i didnt have time for that, nor the time to actually look where he was driving. My head was buried on my laptop as i searched more information. Not even the address was on the web, goodness could this day get any worse. Well, seems it could, 'Ma'am,  im afraid i can't take you any further than here.' Said the driver whom i noticed to be young. I looked around and we were now in some top notch hood for rich people. Great. I got out after paying him, 'Can you please wait here?' 'Im afraid i can't,  money calls.' I almost facepalmed. I just let him go, i'd find my own way back. Here goes nothing.
I scavenged through the streets which looked too clean n quiet to be inhabited. I had to walk a long way til i found the address. Of which when i did, i had to provide an ID and relationship with the dwellers to the scary looking security guard. I swear, the guy looked too tough to be a cop and too coercive to be a soldier. Well, i wasnt gonna back down either. I presented my police ID which was at the moment suspended but he wouldnt find out if i didnt give it. He kept glancing at me but eye contact was one of my fortes and i could beat an owl at it. He finally let me in and i was greeted by a great mansion. Places like these were the target places for massacres and money heists. The owners must have been one of those Latin aristrocrasts because the entire landscape was a artistic vomit of  Latin heritage. As i walked to the huge front entance, i felt like i was being watched, and the stone gargoyles on the roof tops didnt make it easier. I finally reached the entrance to which i was opened for before even knocking. Ohk creepy. It was an elderly woman who seemed to have had a fantastic youth due to the aged beauty that was still noticeable. She smiled a welcome and i smiled back, not one of those smiles meant to reassure a public., but rather genuine. 'Welcome,  your presence has been most awaited.' I looked at her with a puzzled look. She seemed not the least confused at all. I walked to where she guarded me as the family room. I couldnt help but adore the family pictures. The family looked close-knit, reminded me of the one i had once upon a time. 'This is where our familia would sit to enjoy our old family recipes.' The woman said in a distinct Spanish accent.I couldnt help but smile. It was a black and white picture of a man and a woman with a child in the middle. Probably 4 or 5 years old. 'Oh, that one is my favourite.' She said reaching in t hold it closer. 'This is my daughter and son, along with my sweet, grandson' 'Wait, i bring more pictures, the photo album hasnt been opene....' I looked back at the picture closely as if looking something i myself didnt know what. My hands moved along the picture,  the beings on it looked, quite horrificly familiar, yet my sharp mind couldnt figure out where. A few moments later she writtened with a huge album.  "La àlbum de fotos pues Romero Familia" those words were inscripted on the cover, she even had to blow the dust of it. 'This book, is where all our family memories are stored.' She said then handed it over to me. I looked at her with question. I still hadnt figured out the whole idea of her welcoming me in. 'Take it.' I took it as she handed it with so much happiness. I took it, then contemplated on opening it. She got up and left into some room which i figured was the kitchen. I braced myself then opened it. I was utterly shocked.

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