Chapter 12: The Inside Job 3

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'Popcorn, its time to go now.' 'Already.' 'Yes, now you know that we will aways be there....always' they voices faded. 'No.not yet, i sti...' 'I have been doing this job for many years, but never have i seen a living person sleeping here.' I woke up to my hurting neck. I looked up and goodness, it was already morning. There was a man, the undertaker, looks like i was right, he does like taking care of the flowers. But, that wasnt the only thing amiss, i felt something that covered me. It was a blanket, by the looks of it, it did not belong to him, but hey who else could it be. 'Umm, morning...tha..thank you for this.' 'Well, thats not mine.' He held tge wheelbarrow. 'Maybe your parents gave it to you..happens all the time th..' He was speaking while pushing it away. Well, if it wasnt his, whose was it. It was very very soft, it looked pretty expensive, it also had a distinct scent. A scent i quickly recalled and my heart skipped a beat. I looked around and just then, a black car, the same black drove into the distance. That was it, i was gonna find that man. I had to.
I felt waay better and the rest of my day was great. I had a lot.of voice notes from Tonny and i opened them. 'Hey Ive, i tried calling you, whats up talk to me.' 'Hey Ive, its me again, im getting worried please call me back.' 'Hey Iv...' That was it and 15 more. I just head and laughed. Just then i went through some surveillances from the festival dance to check if i could find more on the mystery man. Unsurprisingly, there was nothing, great. Then, i went through the hospital footages but still nothing. I evem went through the street surveillance to look for the black car or cars but, nothing. I had practically hit a dead end. I was now playing with my pen trying to figure something out. Just then, a thought came mind. If the mole is inside PD, its no use looking outside PD. Without further ado, i hacked into the system one more time and managed to get the records of all tge employees. Risky, but worth it. My entire day was spent in my basement with greasy junk food and a 88 percent probability of turning into a zombie.
'Sir, there to have been a security breach.' 'Can you track it?' Charles went on to track the breach. 'Sir, you have to see this.' Captain Harvey looked at the screen and could not believe his eyes. 'Get Rooster here now.'
My alarm buzzed and i woke up yet again on my desk with litter everywhere. 'Shit!' It was already 9 am. I.took a quick shower and made my way to work. 'Morning boys' i said walking inside with a coffee to-go cup in my hand. I was met with something i can definitely call unexpected. Rooster, D'Angelo and Beaks, along with folk from investigation were on my station, turning it upside down and inside out. 'Whats the meaning of this?' I asked clearly angry. 'Step away from the scene Miss Cortenji. We have a  warrant. 'For what!' 'We have reason to believe that you are the mole, and...' My mind went completely blank. I almost fell on my butt. I looked at Chief in disbelief. Just yesterday i was working on finding the mole, only to be painted as one the next day. 'We will discuss more in court, where you will be tried.' 'But...' 'Since you are a police officer, we are sending you a summon rather than arresting you.' One man said. I looked at Captain with pleading eyes. He turned away and stopped. 'Im very disappointed in you Cortenji.' I felt my eyes getting bitter but whatever it is was, it quickly vanished. I went straight to Rooster.

'Whats the eff is going on?' 'Careful there, there's only one of us going through an investigation here.' 'Since when do you treat me like this. You know im not the mole.' 'Not according to evid..' 'Fuck the evidence! I am innocent. Im gonna get to the bottom of this.' I barged out slamming the door. I was angry as fuck. I couldnt find Tonny anywhere. Tonny could wait, i needed to see Captain.
He seemed to be on a phone call, a serious one cause he was startled to see me. 'I dont appreciate you not knock..' 'What is going on? Why am i the mole?' He held the crown of his nose in displeasance. The heck, i was supposed to be the angry one. 'Cortenji, you know the protocol.' 'What protocol, i dont even know what I've done. You asked me to help you find the mole.' He sighed heavily. 'Its not in my control....Look, if you can prove yourself you this can be let go.' I went silent for a while, thinking about it deeply... 'So there's nothing else i can do?' ' afraid not.' I turned to leave and then, 'It didnt  have to come to this Cortenji.' It seemed like a sombre sentiment but, it sounded like something more, something deeper...

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