Chapter 21: Capturing him 2

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'What do you mean its a closed trial?' I burst into Beaks' office. He was talking to Rooster and i guess i had interrupted an important conversation. 'Am i interrupting something?' I asked sarcastically. 'Don't you knock Cortenji?' Beaks growled, i wasnt having none of this. Tonny's death gave  me an entirely new perspective. I now had a pair of extra eyes at the back of my head. I couldnt help but feel like the atmosphere had gotten more stinkier, apart from the obvious questionable human stench the officers were known to have. This was a lot more darker. 'So what were you saying bout a closed trial?' Of course i had been eavesdropping. The last thing i was doing was letting these two get into the same room alone. The last time i let that happen... 'Looks like you lost more than your manners.' Rooster had a thing of having a very provocative sharp tongue. It always landed him with a bruise on his face, but it would be worse for his victim. I blatantly ignored him. 'The last time i checked,  i have as much rights, IF NOT MORE,  on this case.' I crossed my arms and looked interntly  at him, daring him to say otherwise.  He rubbed his nose bridge, 'Look Cortenji, i understand your dispair, but this is a very sensitive case. The least we're doing for you is to allow you into the courtro..' 'Excuse me' I could swear i saw a smirk on Rooster's face. 'Look, there are procedur...' 'He killed my effin friend yet you dare to even tell me bout procedures. Where the heck was procedure when his lifeless body was hanged in that rottem warehouse,  when his body was burnt like some dog. Dont you fucking tell me bout procedures. Your procedures killed him and you know it!' I walked out leaving the door banging behind him. Court was starting in 30 minutes, i needed something to keep me busy till then.

Court Is In Session!

'All Rise...' The countable amount of people including the jury rose. This wasnt even a trial, there werent any families of victims. Or anyone i could point out as a possible witness. What is this a joke? I remained still in my toes. I could feel Beaks' occasional glances. I heaved a huge sigh, remembering the events a few minutes back.

A while earlier...
I was on the verge of punching the stuffing out of the punching bag when Beaks walked in. 'Take it easy, we dont want you losing your breath before the big showdown.' I raised my brow, what the heck was this man yamming bout. 'Im a little busy now.' I said getting back to my business. 'Even too busy for a wanted criminal.' That got my attention. I looked at him, he continued, 'how bout we make a deal, if you behave in court today and in the coming sessions, youll have first hand information, even classified information going back before you were even born, till date.' That was the biggest temptation i had ever been exposed to in my entire life. Believe me, i was planning on causing a huge scene in court, but this, this was a huge block in my tracks. 'Think smart Cortenji, this is once in a life time opportunity.' He said and turned to leave, leaving me thinking about the biggest decision of my life, yes the biggest. "Not" causing a scene meant i wouldnt even raise a finger to dispute to court preceedings, anything at all, including the verdict, or...or even his sentence. I closed my eyes shut, what the hell was i gonna do.

Present Time...

So here i was, behaving myself like a good girl, relying on the judicial system which had a high probabilty of being wrapped round his pinky finger. I could feel butterflies in my abdomen. I had never been this uneasy, and it hurt like heck...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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